Has anyone here ever tried to ring up the ICAI.Invariably you are greeted by a receptionist and forwarded on to someone else only to reach their voicemail.I do wonder what they be doing up there.Between Friday,and all this week I’ve been trying to contact someone in the FAE dept.I have tried about 20 times ( no exaggeration) to talk to someone but to no awail.
waiting on employer
Invoice submitted to employer for subs. Should be paid shortly.
Please pay on time lads, it costs our institute time and money to follow up on these outstanding invoices.
Laughed my hole flicking through this month’s edition of Accountancy Ireland in work today. A lad who was let go from his training contract for making up audits 10 years ago or so has an article published in it. Literally making up audits. He used to audit lots of stuff on his own so he had a system of getting audit work papers on the shared drive from historic audits which were completed by other teams (so his own line manager, director and audit partner wouldn’t be familiar with it). He’d tweak the client name to suit and present the work for the particular audit he was assigned to.
Obviously he had to audit the actual year-end numbers but he got away with this for a couple of years for the systems / pre-year end work. So he’d print reams of paper and fill up lever arch files describing the IT systems in operation, the controls in place, examples of the walkthrough checks and tests he did with various personnel etc. And none of it was applicable - it related to other businesses entirely.
He only got caught, as far as I recall, when the audit partner asked the client at an audit closing meeting about how the system was operating and they’d never used it. They checked through his ‘back catalogue’ then and it was uncovered. But it’s great to see he’s reinvented himself in the intervening period anyway and is providing specialist advice endorsed by our governing body.
That lad never changed the names of the people in his systems notes either. He’d be writing about interviewing a Tom Walsh about the IT system and there’d be no Tom Walsh in the company. That was back in the bad old days of the Big 5 though. It’s a much better profession with the streamlined Big 4.
In my time back in t’day, when we used quaint instruments colloqially known as biros to write up audit papers, we but dreamed of being able to do such as this. Legend
Lads - can we not air our dirty laundry in public please.
Unless he was doing it for more than three years (which I doubt) I suspect he’s ok from an auditing standards perspective. The operating effectiveness of controls only need to be tested every three years.
The whistle must be blown on occasion, BT.
I used pencil mate.
Bandage, I got my copy of Accountancy Ireland in the mail yesterday. Saw it there on the kitchen table when I got home. I trembled with excitement but I shall save it for the weekend and savour it.
Roche would not pay for tippex?
Even though I am not a member of this esteemed profession I have to confess to enjoying this thread. I like these tales from the financial frontline.
I was from the Limerick middle class half of the merged firm. Never did farm accounts for Roche, no.
:lol: :lol:
Lads what does this mean
C1 Mort/ Charge Created By Irish Company
my brother in law is having a major issue with his home and has an order from the courts but the company is slow to act and has a couple of judgemts against it as well as the auditor having resigned
Don’t understand your question turfcutter? Can you explain the context? Where are you seeing this? What company is slow to act? What does the company have to do with your brother?
Not an accountant but if that is showing up on a company search it means that the company has had a mortgage registered against it. Nothing more or less sinister than that.
Sorry Tinnion
I was looking at the accounts of a particular limited company the built my brother in laws house, basically a massive crack appeared on the front of it (not pyrite) he went to court, got an order for them to repair the house which hasn’t happened yet the company has a couple of judgement mortgages registered against it and what I’m wondering is what the C1 Mort/ Charge Created By Irish Company line in the accounts means??
Ffs it means what I said it means, tc. Is my answer not good enough for you?
With respect Fagan the opinion of a chartered accountant was solicited. Your input was helpful but TC has every right to pursue his right to the opinion of someone at the top of the professional tree.