FAO Chartered Accountants

There was a report on the radio this morning about used car price inflation.
In theory would you be liable for tax if you sold a car for more than you bought it?

I vaguely recall something about cars being exempt from CGT, wasting chattels or something like that.


Badges of trade.

Wasting chattels.

Yes yes yes.

I’m onsite at the Aviva for the East Leinster Accountants rugby lunch. I’m sure as it combines the forums two main loves (chartered accountancy and rugby) there is a good attendance of forumites here.

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I’d like to clarify that I am not an accountant- chartered or other.

What are you serving them?


I was having a laugh at the event literature. The first panel guest announcement was Rala, the former bagman for the Irish rubby team. I think they’ve since added Luke Fitzgerald and Brent Pope but it’s hardly a stellar lineup. Let us know if they come up trumps with an eleventh hour superstar.

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I’m here to add a bit of personality apparently. A lot of fairly quiet tables with pads pining for a spreadsheet

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Luke Fitzgerald is a titan of the banking industry himself these days. Eoin Reddan and Dorce likewise. The rugby jargon bolloxology has natural synergy with the corporate world.

Get fucked so

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Nobody’s perfect

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They are some men to count out notes in fairness

What exactly does Luke do? I know a couple of his acquaintances, and they aren’t exactly glowing about Luke.

According to LinkedIn, US Leveraged Finance at AIB. Probably does more work in the bank than Gooch anyway

Has D’Arcy not moved into something else wellnessy and lifestyley in recent years after his flirtation with lending/stockbroking?

Ah AIB, so a jokeshop job.

Come home @Bandage, your county needs you

That role would be perfect for @Appendage.

He’d have the CEO gig in jig time, this could be a sliding doors moment for Wexican GAA

It just wouldn’t end well.

I’m Antonio Conte. Wexford GAA are Spurs.