FAO of Arthur Foley + Legal Eagles and General Know Alls

Almost 4 months post crash Princess got a letter claiming against her for injury + damages … lady in question braked suddenly and was an inch from hitting car in front … princess braked also but the wet weather carried her into your wan with minor damage done to car … hit at low enough speed also…

What’s the craic here? I haven’t got the full low down from her yet but do we need to tool up or what? Does this usually go through insurance? It was a lady around the 50+ mark so the chances of her being on social media and me screen grabbing pics of her sky diving since the accident are low but not impossible.

Thanks in advance,


Sounds like brain damage

Call off the engagement or at least get the liability squared off in a pre nuptial. You can’t be on boarding that liability. Sounds like very suspicious timing from your other half to get a commitment from you just before she announces this new debt.


Speed kills. Slow down.

As princess’s life partner you are jointly liable.

I wonder will you be so happy to confirm a brain injury is brain damage soon mate…that poor old lady ploughed from behind. Def brain damage

Notify Insurance company. They should take over from here.

Was any “deal” done at scene for damage to car. Any need to notify insurance before now?

FYI - never admit liability at scene of a crash. It can invalidate your insurance in theory.

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Mouse, we are lacking info.

Do you have pictures from the scene of the crash?
Do you have details for name, address, insurance, reg no, car type for the other driver?
Has she repaired her car? Did she make contact about that previously?
Did the letter come from the other driver, from a solicitor or insurance co?

Has princess repaired her car?

Lie for your insurance company, you know they’re worth it :+1:

No need to lie. Just don’t admit liability.

When you hit into the back of someone you’re guilty regardless?


That’s what you pay your insurance for. Hand the case over to them and good luck and thanks.


Unless you’re seamus darby

So there’s no point being a plum and not admitting liability in said situation?.. the lady in question had to swerve to avoid hitting the car in front of her but princess wasn’t so lucky … it was on a bend with stopped traffic so your wan wasn’t paying attention or saw it late and braked hard… anyway, the insurance will take of it but it’s the principle of the matter… I want to catch the lying bitch out. I might hire a private detective to get on the case.

Following an oul one round, silently watching her every move?? Sounds like a job for @Fagan_ODowd


You’re supposed to have control of your car at all times, that includes leaving enough space to react to unexpected events, and also having regard to traffic and road/weather conditions, the old “tyres and tarmac” method as was taught back in the day. If you don’t leave enough room between you and the car ahead of you, then it’s your fault. I see a few cases in Limerick/Clare lately where judges have called out claimants for exaggerating the extent of injuries but that all depends on your insurance company bothering to fight it that far and then getting a decent/contrary judge on the day.


It all depends on what happened at the time? Did she admit it was her fault in writing, were gardai called? Was the oul one’s car damaged and has she had it fixed since?

Not necessarily but in this case, as the lady had braked to avoid a collision herself then princess is almost definitely liable. Were any photos of the damage taken? Is the letter from the lady or her solicitors? Did princess inform chill insurance at the time?

Edit: most of these were asked above, but we need answers

I heard a couple of good ones lately, a fella I was chatting witnessed a tip on O’Connell avenue in Limerick, three cars first one braked, said the second lad barely nudged him and third lad the same. Not a mark to be seen on any of the cars, all three sat in their cars and waited for the ambulance.
Another bloke told me a story of how his mate tipped the back of a Dublin bus recently and himself and the driver inspected no damage shook hands and drove off. Anyway your mans insurance is after getting about 20 claims from passengers. The best part is your man reckons there was no more than 7 on the bus :sweat_smile:

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