FAO Rocko

Stage 11


Whatā€™s a TFK edit conflict?

I just got a message saying that I could not edit my post because another user had edited it?

I have enough quarrels going on here without the system battling it out with me too.

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I know which side will be carrying my money in this new argument

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Probably just the system editing some syntax at the same time. What post was it?

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:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:to that man

It was one in the Covid thread where I made a quip about Backtrack being a pox.


Hi there

Iā€™m just wondering if the ā€˜On a Rollā€™ and ā€˜Nice Postā€™ notifications can be muted? Iā€™m flat out from receiving them and they are clogging up my notifications to be honest about it.



Oh no, you got an on roll notification?

Yikes @Julio_Geordio

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Whatā€™s that?

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Some lads gone fierce needy round here. Rocko is a busy man. Iā€™m not even going to tag him out of respect

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Iā€™ve given that a like.

Heā€™s only gone and banned me from the BLM casualties thread. :joy:
Look @Rocko , Iā€™m sorry for not keeping a straight face when you fell for a former trump aide dabbing away his tears of joy as he was unchained by Joe.


Can we ban all talk of EPL soccer? The lads of a Liverpool & Man Utd disposition are becoming incredibly tedious.

We have excellent discussion on SPL, LOI, CL, Europa League and general International football.

Perhaps ban a few oddballs too?



Can we ban @carryharry?

I donā€™t think heā€™s ever managed a post that was in anyway interesting, original or intelligent.

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A few lads here trying to dictate to a dictator. @rocko can we ban anyone who makes that ultra shit joke about Ole and parking spaces? Itā€™s been done about a thousand times. Do it for the sake of server space and climate change.


He knows lots about cars in fairness to him. Weā€™ll keep him.

@Rocko I am getting the above error on Chrome on my work laptop. Only appeared a week ago. Are you up to something dodgy?

Jurgen Klopp has destroyed some lads lives. Itā€™s sad to see, that much like Ole, they canā€™t park it and move on


yes, ban the footix