FAO Rocko

@Rocko whilst the 30 minute rule is certainly effective on reducing the heat on certain threads, i find myself wondering is there similar functionality with respect to users: i.e. limit them to one post every 30 mins?


I presume that you want that applied across the board. Otherwise that would be discrimination, and I know you hate that.

No no, we need to discriminate.

@rocko - a limit on the number of posts per person per day?

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Paddy loves his restrictions, even on TFK :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



@Rocko I donā€™t mean to be a Moany Mary but pull the fucking finger out on this one please.

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I was told no rush! iPhone or Android - anything else you can tell me to help me isolate the problem? Any old topic or is it only happening on one topic? Does it ever happen to you on desktop? Are you on light or dark skin?

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Iā€™m only joshing you pal I know youā€™re a busy man. Dark skin on Android using Chrome. Itā€™s happened on a good few threads but not sure which ones. Last happened on the covid thread a while ago. Iā€™ll keep an eye on where it happens next.

Its also happening for me. Same set up

Plus 1.

Also @Rocko , if I close out if the browser with a thread still open, when I go back to the browser it brings me to the bottom of the thread rather than where I left off.

Thatā€™s happened to me a couple of times as well actually. Place is falling apart.

Usually resolved by going back and re-entering the thread from the main menu.

Yeah but all those spoilers seeing the last post on the thread :slightly_frowning_face:

Use dā€™owl discusshub app. It doesnā€™t load the santy hats except for the green ones as an added bonus.

Also @Rocko any chance of some blue and gold hats?


Ah fuck off you oul cunt bag.

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Thereā€™s no Santa hats on the dark screen on Android apart from the green ones that dancingbaby and iron mike have

Ah that explains it Iā€™m dark screen only and I almost never TFK on desktop.

Actually I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen the hats on dark screen on desktop either.

Poor @Rocko is discriminating against the dark skin folks. If @glenshane was still around heā€™d surely have a field day at the irony of this

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And all the shit he talks about being anti racist.

What happened to @glenshane anyway?