FAO Rocko

It wasnā€™t unpleasant. And when I did a search it gave me a drop down menu of recent searches.

For some reason Iā€™m not allowed post in the far right thread. Do I not have the correct opinions? Is refusal to allow other opinions green policy now?

Iā€™m pretty sure you have the correct opinions for the far right thread mate.


Ä° have opinions for sure. If only others had the backbone to debate them.

What is it with greens and a total lack of resilience? Probably the same cosseted upbringing and suburban surroundings that gives them no insight into rural communities. Iā€™ll cite their plans for wolves and community share cars for example.

What party do you think has had more of their program for government implemented?

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With 7% of the vote the last time, currently at 3% in the red c. So whereā€™s their mandate? the irish people have no time for them and donā€™t want them making decisions. Just see the recent woke referendum results. So the greens have no standing to drive policy. 97% of irish people donā€™t want them too. Have they no shame?

They make decisions because varadkar was afraid of twitter and chump just wanted to lead the government.

If you could also enquire why Iā€™ve been banned from that thread that would be great, mate.


Ah look, thats a mess of a post. Their mandate is the tds they got elected and their decision that actually going into government would make it more likely for their policies to become reality.
Itā€™s brilliant that you think you can decide the referendum was an anti green vote. Also, your numbers are way way out. 97%? Wtf? They have 12 out of 160* tds.
If you want to talk bollox and opinions thats fine. But if you throw a load of figures and ā€˜factsā€™ into a post then you are liable to make a fool of yourself as you have above.


97% of people in the Red C poll do not declare themselves as green voters. It was 93% in the last election (and of course that just counts voters, something tells me people that donā€™t vote arenā€™t all closet green supporters) so they have miniscule support. They are a joke party really (rural share cars) supported only by gobshites from suburbs who have no concept of life in rural Ireland. They have no support, Irelands electoral system and the poor state of the larger parties gifted them an opportunity they have taken. But in no way can they say their policies reflect the will of the irish people. They are implementing their own woke agenda.

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Again. Thats a great opinion post. Full of shite and bluster. They have 12 tds. Thats an actual fact, a mandate until the next election. You are conflating opinion polls with an actual democratic mandate. It is not unheard of for government parties to be unpopular.
Weā€™ll see where they are after the next election . I think theyā€™ll return similar numbers. I honestly dont see why anybody who voted green wouldnā€™t vote for them next time considering how influential they have been in government.


Sure why would middle and upper class snooty Dubs care what goes on outside of the Pale? 8 of their TDs are from there. That fuckwit inside in Limeirck city will thankfully be booted anyway next time around.

So why does a party with 7% of tds have such an large impact on policy. Why is the tail wagging the dog? Because FF and FG are basket cases. There is no major support for the greens, not anywhere near it. So if they want to suggest a few braindead policies grand. Instead they are front of a government in a country that does not support them. ie they have no mandate. Iā€™m not sure what you think it means.

Nail on head.

The greens grew up in suburban estates. In these the government takes care of everything. Bins collected, water piped in, electricity, sewage, you name it. Even a bus down the road to cart them around. They canā€™t conceive of communities where clean water is a struggle, where doctors, guards, post offices, ambulances are very hard to come by and to keep. These communities know how tight things can get. The greens donā€™t. So when the communities say they have concerns over resources with increased numbers of people needing them, the morons in Dublin suburbs shriek racist to give themselves a bit of meaning in life, totally clueless to reality.


The most perfect summation of the greens Iā€™ve read :clap:


Dublin pays for everything. The reason you have the services and community you have is because Dublin taxes pays for it.

A muldoon on Friday said to me; the government fucked themselves up by sending those cunts all throughout the country, should have left them in Dublin. Itā€™s a kip anyway.

So muldoons are happy for Dublin to subsidise their life but when a country town may have to house 50 or so people seeking a new life and to better themselves, living temporarily in tents!!!, they go up in arms shouting that there people are dangerous scroungers who will rob them of time with their local GP.


Hmmm. As bizarre and all as this concept may be to you, those snooty dubs are people too. And they get the same chance to elect people to represent their interests, the same as everybody else. Thatā€™s democracy. You hating them matters as much as me hating the healy raes does. Fuckall.


What sort of utter gibberish is this? Are you talking about the pressure on communities and protests? So would Crumlin and coolock and east wall not know this? You veer from the dubs being absurd woke morons who understand nothing, as above, to ā€˜dubs are salt of the earth racist scumbagsā€™ depending on your mood. At least try to keep some coherent logic. The only common theme you seem to possess is that all dubs are scum and thick. Thats fine, if utterly illogical. Now go and elect a screaming rooral independent who will do fuck all but scream about all them up in Dublin.


Thereā€™s a very clear division between scumbag dubs who almost all have British sounding surnames for some reason and people in rural areas who are concerned about their communities. Thereā€™s more than one type of person anywhere. The two types you mentioned, woke morons and scum, can coexist in dublin, and they do in predominant numbers.

Rural independents do fantastic work for their communities. Moron greens think they can turn the tide on global pollution, of which ireland contributes a small fraction of one percent. Whoā€™s truly useless?

Trying to make about four different points here. And failing. Ah the salt of the you know what.

Dublin ā€˜paysā€™ for what exactly, and how? ā€¦ What you donā€™t grasp is that multinationals pay for everything. What does Dublin contribute. These huge companies simply have to base themselves in the only sizeable city close to the only large airport. That has nothing to do with the average all day pyjama wearer.

Iā€™d say per capita thereā€™s as many ā€œpyjama wearersā€ in country towns as there are in Dublin