FAO Rocko

How long did you live in Dublin? What parts. Not everywhere is tipp town.

Why does it matter where I lived? You’re generalising all Dubs. I saw more “pyjama wearers” in the Aldi Westside in Galway than I did in Dublin


Let’s simplify it, here’s 2.

  1. You are by far the stupidest person on this forum.

  2. You are a stupid racist cunt.


It matters how long you spent in each and where you lived, obviously.

I knew asking you to explain your brain dead assertion that Dublin ‘pays for’ the entire country would be a bridge too far.


The forum clown is up early. A few pretend bets to put on?

I see the forum racist is drunk and angry again.


Sure you can’t debate to save your life.

When somebody has a different opinion to yourself you just start throwing personal insults and various forms of abuse because you have haven’t the mental capacity to respond that’s why nobody debates you. Nothing to do with you making a coherent point.


Aren’t you contradicting yourself a bit here? You’re railing against a smaller grouping for having influence but then cheering on another small grouping and saluting said influence.


So yes, Dublin does pay.

That is despite decades of “homily maidens at the crossroads” policies.

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The leader of the rural indepndents wrote a letter seeking clemancy for a child abuser, how is that pro community?


It’s comely

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You see it everywhere now. Idiots like we have on here turning people at bottom of the ladder against each other instead of working together.

Our problems stem from the super rich draining the pots almost dry.

It’s happening all over the world. What I can’t understand is why do ordinary people do their bidding for them?


Maroontalkshite is after taking an awful hiding here. If Galway don’t beat the Kilkenny B team today he might actually explode in a self righteous ball of piss and vinegar.


“The greens want cars to hire at a low cost in rural ireland, middle class out of touch dubs”

“The rural indepndents leader who wanted clemency for a paedo get rural ireland”



Are you a fan of the rural independents mate? With their clemency for paedos actions?

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Fuckin disgrace and disgusting bastard,if that’s legit he’s a paeodos
Has to be false flag surely?

What’s he saying there? It makes no sense to me

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