Favourite Pogues Song

Why was Tubs arrested?

His best songs almost have a cynical empathy in them which is his genius I think.

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I love MacGowan’s constant references to the wind and the breeze.

He spoke once about the songwriting process and how melodies come along on the breeze and they need to be grabbed otherwise that bastard Paul Simon will get them.


Agree, but I let it go. Given how good the rest of the song is he’s allowed do whatever the fuck he wants really.

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Informative rating. That is genius.

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Was at those gigs as well. And a New Year’s Eve one at The Point, which was a bit of a mess, and several other nights.

The same close friend saw them in Carlow, way back when.

Could not agree… That line is actually my favourite one of all. I think it is profound. The song is meant to mimic the passage of life. Death is not an event in life, as someone once said, because death cannot be narrated.

‘A Rainy Night In Soho’ is one of the few songs at which I tear up. Granted, I will often have kissed the ginger lady before a listen.


So in summary, ‘the song’ refers to:

  • the song itself
  • the bottle of whiskey/drink
  • the relationship with his loved one
  • the passage of life
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:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Why were you arrested Tubs?

Ive no recollection of this

While Ray and Philomena sang of My Elusive Dreams…

When my kids were young I was lucky enough to work close to home for a few years and we had a little tradition in the car on the way to school where they would alternate choosing siongs to listen to. They didn’t know the names of any songs but picked them from the track number on the CD player. They went through a Beatles phase which got a bit irritating fairly quickly, but in a moment of genius I picked up a copy of the Pogues Ultimate Collection and they instantly fell in love with it.

Their favorite tracks from memory:

  1. A Rainy Night in Soho (impeccable taste for a 5 year old)
  2. Streams of Whiskey (no surprise there @Sidney)
  3. Fairytale of New York (for it’s most famous lines that are now under attack by snowflakes)

Thousands are sailing is a classic

It’s phenomenal. It probably is my second favourite Pogues song after ‘A Pair of Brown Eyes’

Decent auld documentary from the 90s on MacGowan

Then we raised a glass to JFK
And a dozen more besides
When I got back to my empty room
I suppose I must have cried

Sheer Brilliance.


Thousands are Sailing is the greatest song of all time


‘Some of them fell into heaven, some of them fell into hell’

Best lyrics of all time.

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Lads will be going Buck ape back at home over the Christmas listening to the Pogues and drinking whiskey

It promises to be the best Christmas on tfk in years