Feeling a bit sick

I done my ribs last week. It’s worse they’re getting. Fair painful I can tell you. I can do nothing except post on here.

Have had a cold/man flu for nearly two weeks so took a sick day yesterday and it has pretty much cleared up. Before leaving for work this morning, I got a fit of coughing and coughed up blood. Made the fatal mistake of mentioning this to the life partner who is ordering me to go to a doctor’s. If I go, it’s a waste of time and money. If I don’t go, she will probably wallop me over the head with a saucepan and I’ll have to go anyway. It’s a lose-lose situation

If you’re coughing up blood pal a trip to the doctor is required. Best of luck


You mentioned it to her because you were concerned about it. She’s right. It’s probably nothing. But best to be sure.


You need the doctor man. Unless you’ve had a very recent nose-bleed I would never ignore coughed up blood

If you’ve been coughing for the last two weeks then a bit of blood is probably nothing to worry about but get yourself to the doc.

:anguished: you’re dying, mate.

Would sticking my thumb up my hole not cure me?

Yeah, I’ve made an appointment for this evening.

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I know you’re incredibly tight and hate spending money, but go to the doctor. Bring your own sandwiches with you if it’s a lunchtime appointment.


I had a knee reconstruction yesterday. My knee is quite sore.


What did that involve pal?

Me being anaesthetised and some doctors drilling holes in my knee, taking donor material from my hamstring, pulling that through the knee to replace the cruciate ligament and screwing it in. At least that’s what I think they did. The bone contusion will apparently heal itself. On crutches for the next 10 days. Going to U2 on Friday, that should be interesting. I’ve just taken 2 Paracetamol, 2 Oxycodone and 2 Cyklokapron tablets. Hopefully I sleep.


It’s a disgrace that you’ve to pay for the doctor in a tinpot country like ireland but the correct decision. Just make a list now of all past and possible future ailments and knock full value out of her

Congrats on it going well I suppose this means you’ll be spamming a lot if shit onto TFK for the next few days.


After hearing this I’m begrudgingly glad Tipp won the AI to cheer up your last year Alive

Make sure you do the physio after.

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Personally mate, if its a wan off, I personally wouldn’t bother (I coughed up a bit on Tuesday morning after swimming for instance), but then, I didn’t mention to herself.

Have they not decided on a pronoun?

To make matters worse mate, there wasn’t enough bread there for me to bring a sandwich to work today :worried::worried:

I’ll have to pay for lunch

Go on then, I will ask - did you have enough tinfoil?