Feeling a bit sick

Put on a dress?


find the oregano oil


A tablespoon of turmeric powder, a teaspoon of black pepper and a slap of honey boiled in a mug full of milk. You could add a clove of garlic and as much chilli powder as you can stand just to be sure.
Guaranteed results.


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I suppose being stuck to the bog for the day is a result

Shoved an oregano oil suppository up my hole and Im like a new man since


You better already?

Well no, but that concoction sounds like it’ll do something to me. Good or bad, who knows

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My cold symptoms now gone but its no exaggeration to say I’m 90% deaf. Hearing gone completely. Unnerving.

A quick google search suggests its either fluid in the middle ear which is a common by product of a cold. Or a brain tumour.

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Assume the worst.

Hopefully your ear stinks, otherwise you’ll need a full frontal lobotomy, which isn’t as good as a full bottle in front of me.

Try lying on the couch on your other side

Could you drill a few pilot holes though your cauliflower ears? Might help a bit.


I’d imagine it’s probably a recurring concussion from your playing days. In bad news, I’ve just diagnosed myself with a tumour on my lungs on the left side.

I done my ribs last week. It’s worse they’re getting. Fair painful I can tell you. I can do nothing except post on here.

Have had a cold/man flu for nearly two weeks so took a sick day yesterday and it has pretty much cleared up. Before leaving for work this morning, I got a fit of coughing and coughed up blood. Made the fatal mistake of mentioning this to the life partner who is ordering me to go to a doctor’s. If I go, it’s a waste of time and money. If I don’t go, she will probably wallop me over the head with a saucepan and I’ll have to go anyway. It’s a lose-lose situation

If you’re coughing up blood pal a trip to the doctor is required. Best of luck


You mentioned it to her because you were concerned about it. She’s right. It’s probably nothing. But best to be sure.


You need the doctor man. Unless you’ve had a very recent nose-bleed I would never ignore coughed up blood