Feeling a bit sick

I thought I was dying

Gives a new meaning for the term ā€œstonedā€. Had a dose of the same this time last year, no joke.
Anyway, youā€™ve passed it.

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Mate of mine told me about that. Sufferin!!! Over now tho pal.

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Youā€™re atein too many fries.

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Think I might have hayfever which I never recall having before.

Have blocked sinuses and a bit of a dry throat but energy wise and that Iā€™m fine, no pains or aches in my body etc.


If itā€™s hayfever get this into you twice a day.

Thats a great job. Its given me an incredible clarity you can really hear the improvement.

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Cant shake off the tiredness since Friday night. Walked 5k yesterday and today to fill the lungs. Iā€™m fucked here now and ready for the bed. It wouldnā€™t bother me if I was refreshed after an early night but Iā€™m not.

A good nights sleep is your only man :+1:

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Yeah but I was in bed at half ten Friday night and last night. Very little alcohol wise.

If theres no improvement tomorrow I will have to insist you see a doctor


Iā€™m wondering is it anything to do with the vaccine.

When did you get it Mike?

About 3 weeks ago. Due my second shot on Tuesday. Just to let you know, I had my pre op there last week and blood tests and everything came back clear. So it cant be anything too bad


Iā€™d say hardly. Would you consider an owl covid test? You could have a mild case on account of having only the wan shot.

Possibly. Iā€™ll hit the hay early tonight and see what happens. The other thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the amount of driving Iā€™ve had to do. Iā€™ve averaged around 1800km per week for the last month. That does take its toll as well.

Sounds like Covid

Wouldnā€™t be surprised

You need to start taking it easy and do more over the phone and email and stop this bollixing of driving the length and breadth of the country. Work smarter not harder.


Could very well be vaccine related.

Edit: listen to @TheBird also. Driving is tough on the body.

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