Feeling a bit sick

A few me days needed for you Mike. The body lets you know

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The other thing too is I’m approaching the end game of this bastern disease. Body could be telling me to chill out.

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Could be Karma related @iron_mike . Cos you’re a big bollox like.


A walking cunt

Dont push it anyway horse. You’ve been through a bit. No harm in slowing the pace for a few days.

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It is Mike, unfortunately. It sounds like a textbook case of a vaccine adverse event. You’ll have two horns out the top of your head within the week.


Chill the beanz with this pal. No wonder you’re tired.
You’ve got this. Don’t push too hard

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I was chatting to my great running pal and next door neighbour Aussie Ben there this morning. They’d just come back from the in laws and weren’t feeling well, so they’d been for a covid PCR yesterday.
We were laughing as we’d been minding his cat, and there was a neighborhood wassup announcement that there’s been a ginger cat run over out on lapwing lane did anyone know it, and I’d had a wave of unease thinking it might have been his, and they only left it a week.
Anyhow, good news was his cat was fine.
Bad news was he got a text while I was talking to him saying the whole family were positive for Covid.
Hee looked tired and had a dry cough.
Not sure what the position with the cat is now, who half lives at ours and has spent all afternoon looking in at us trying to get in through doors and windows.

The cat is Didsbury’s patient zero

Didsbury is a no go zone

There are 2 things in play here. You’re quarantined for a fortnight and in the greatest fortnight for celeb spots in the UK you’re confined to the Didsbury Ritz. You’re yet another to fall foul of the external pussy epidemic.

Cats are vectors.
Shoot. The. Fucking. Cat.

And burn the corpse of course.

I’m not quarantined thank God.

Feeling a good bit better today. 3 early nights and a bit of a sleep in seems to have done the trick


This is what you need to do Mike.

  1. walk 5 to 8 km every day.

  2. quit drinking alcohol or severely cut back.

  3. quit smoking or severely cut back.

  4. Watch your food intake. Reduce portion sizes.
    Do not eat after 7.30pm

After just 1 week, just 1, that’s 7 days a week. No days off. You’ll start to see a difference. Stick to that and continue it as a new lifestyle. No making excuses Mike. lt is difficult at the start and you can easily cave in but if you’re serious about wanting to improve your energy levels you’ve got to do the work.

You’ll soon find yourself doubling those distances. Who knows Mike you find yourself out hill walking and rambling through the mountains with a hill walking ramblers group in a couple of months time. Everything becomes so much easier after a few weeks. Your energy levels will go through the roof. Be good to yourself Mike. The benefits of walking will change your life.


You don’t get mileage for making phonecalls or sending emails Bird. cc @iron_mike

I dont get mileage anyway kid

Casting pearls to swine.

Post root canal infection. Jaysus my jaw is fucking hopping the last two days. All sorts of painkiller cocktails. What helped last time doesn’t work the next. On Solpadeine now. Hopefully anti biotics kick in today.


Look after yourself. Hope it’s all as good as it can be.

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