Feeling a bit sick

Sorry I didnā€™t think I needed to spell out to put on a jacket and hat as required :joy::joy:


A rides a ride i suppose

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Somebody wasnā€™t paying attention when Claire Byrne Live did the demonstration.


Just goes to show you. We scoffed but there is a target audienceā€¦


I walked baldy headed in to that one.

Iā€™m dizzy from the Liverpool thread :smiley:


It says ā€˜Finest Quality PotĆ©Ć©nā€™ on the label pal. I got the bottle in the Health Shop*

Itā€™s probably spelled poitĆ­n in other parts of the country though.

  • This information may not be true. Upon reflection it came in an ancient 7Up bottle.

A glass bottle? If its okastic yhen Iā€™d suspect a fairly conservative abvā€¦?

Glass bottle :white_check_mark: The abv figure would be less definitive.
A 2020 creation I was told. Effective nevertheless.

Are its magical properties down to you not
having a clue what it is? Is it made from spuds, barley or cattle nuts?

Spuds and barley Iā€™d imagine. Fine scorched taste off it initially that grows on you.

I bet

Itā€™s the closest supplement to metaformin

Iā€™m on it years

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Im only eating one meal a day, its unrwal

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Can you buy it in health stores here or do I have to go on to the dark web and order from some factory in indochina?

Iherb . Com has it


The good stuff. Thatā€™s fair recycling

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Dorian Yates online health store has it

Anyone else getvthe vomiting bug recently? Had it a week ago and still getting those toxic farts and burps - with a dose of runny shite everyvother day.

Feel grand otherwise and going for a run now but would prefer to have this put into the past at this stage.

Sumo wrestlers only eat one meal a day.

2nd bang of covid here and the strep throat. Lovely.

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