Feeling a bit sick

If you can only bench 110 there is something up with you alright and maybe need to see a consultant

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I have very long arms mate. Not built for benching

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Mind yourself.

I know of a few who had chest infections turn to pneumonia.

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Over a dozen trips to jacks since yesterday afternoon and then some violent puking around midnight :nauseated_face::grimacing::nauseated_face:. I won’t make it to Ratoath today

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Jesus fucking Christ. I’ve been knocked for six here. Stomach issues more or less went (appetite didn’t really come back) but I’ve aches and pains absolutely everywhere. Had to go to bed after work yesterday. Not a hope that I’m going in today

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Had this for a week and still not right. Missus had a right dose.

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Horrendous. I barely had the energy to get out of bed and fire some water over me in shower

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Sounds like you are after getting a right wallop of something.

Have a dose of the trots myself or a norovirus as they call it now. Not as bad as @caulifloweredneanderthal but discommoding all the same. Reckon the only place I could have picked it up was UPMC Nowlan Park.

This sounds like the thing a load of us were floored with in December. Not much you can only rest and take fluids on. Flat 7up, Dry Toast, Banana and Apples

What happens if the 7up isn’t fully flat?

nuclear explosion GIF


Bananas are good to plug it off alright.

It was always the father in laws little joke when people told him bananas were good for diarrhoea.

Do yo eat them or plug it off, he used say.

We just laughed then….

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Took me a good two weeks to come right (the trots and puking was just 24 hours but the body was in bits afterwards).

Had no appetite for a week or so, and when I went back to work, I’d end up falling asleep on the couch every evening. Still not 100%.


On the commode.

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Long norovirus.

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Would you try the psyllium husk @Fagan_ODowd? T’would tidy that up in jig time.

Fucked with a chest infection.