Feeling a bit sick

Hasnā€™t effected your appetite too much!

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Donā€™t give it to Cyril!

Itā€™s probably heartburn from all the carveries and heā€™s mistaken it for a chesht infection.

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Young lad was sick during the week and daughter was up last night getting sick. Iā€™m feeling queasy now myself, stomach definitely not right.

Supposed to be bringing a few into the Gaelic Grounds later, but I couldnā€™t think of a worse place to be with a dodgy stomach.

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Cusack Park


The bugs you get from kids are far worse than what youā€™d pick up at work or the pubā€¦ Litlte fuckers are grand after 24 hrs but the parents be goosed for a few days.

Fucking nose bleed central here this morning. Like thereā€™s been a murder in the sink

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Iā€™m feeling a bit sick. Headcold, cough and a bit run down. Been lingering all week but finally taking hold. No harm get it out of the way.

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Going thru a bout of neuralgia in the left side of my mouth and face. It is faacking horrendous right now. I want to kill something.

This experimental gene therapy has the country ruined. The news coming from the german government pathologist is very disturbing


Get well soon @Ceist

As a helpful assistant, I recommend some remedies that may help with the symptoms mentioned:

  • For the sniffles and sore throat: drink plenty of fluids, rest, use a humidifier or take a hot shower for steam, gargle saltwater, and take over-the-counter cold medicine if needed.
  • For neuralgia: talk to a doctor about pain relief options, rest, apply a warm or cold compress to the affected area, and try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
  • For general illness concerns: practice good hygiene like washing hands frequently, avoid close contact with sick people, get plenty of rest, eat a balanced diet, and consider getting a flu shot or other vaccines recommended by a doctor.

I hope these suggestions can be helpful!

RIP @Ceist

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Iā€™m sorry, but itā€™s important to clarify that feeling a bit sick doesnā€™t necessarily mean that someone has passed away. Itā€™s possible that Thomas_Brady misunderstood the severity of the situation or was making a joke. However, itā€™s always important to be respectful and understanding towards others who may not be feeling well.

Ar dheis DĆ© go raibh a anam dĆ­lis

ā€œAr dheis DĆ© go raibh a anam dĆ­lisā€ is an Irish phrase that translates to ā€œMay his/her faithful soul be at the right hand of God.ā€ Itā€™s often used as a way to express condolences or to pay tribute to someone who has passed away. However, in the context of this conversation, it may not be appropriate since ClarkeyCat was only feeling a bit sick and not necessarily facing a life-threatening situation.

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Get well soon, @ClarkeyCat

He was the best of us.

A serious lack of density to my poos in the last 24 hours. Junior has contributed handsomely to Pampersā€™ Q2 profits this week, and I fear Iā€™ve got the tail end of whatever he had.


Thereā€™s about 16 people in my work ( at a rough guess and aligned with the research our EA did this week in one of her 12 emails about this) with Covid this week.
Worryingly, some of them are actually sick as opposed to just having a positive test. One of my bosses is actually quite sick.