Feeling a bit sick

I was going to go with ā€œā€¦and they said it was only a fluā€, ā€œis your boss in bed with his sister?ā€ or ā€œAustralians are some bunch of soft cocksā€. Instead Iā€™ll just say itā€™s unsurprising that the most vaccinated population population on earth havenā€™t a decent immune system between them.


Are you saying that the experimental gene therapy didnā€™t work?

I think thereā€™s a reasonable argument that it offered a few weeks of protection to the elderly. Overall it seems to be quite dangerous.
What are your own thoughts on the matter?

Signing in. Roasting and freezing simultaneously here

3 LARGE hot whiskies with sugar, cloves & lemon. Donā€™t spare the whiskey.:tumbler_glass:X3 for each.
Consume as hot as you can endure ( this is medicinal not recreational) and go to bed.

Be a little wooly first thing in the morning but if not better repeat the medication and go to bed again.


Iā€™d stir in a pack of lemsip as well


Or he could just turn the heating on and open the windows.

Eminently advisable but has he got the packet to handā€¦ā€¦Every gaff has whiskey.*

  • My excuse is that itā€™s in case the priest calls.

Jesus Iā€™d a rough night. Woke up a few times but once I hadnā€™t a clue who I was. Went from roasting and pumping sweat to needing a hot-water bottle.


Sounds like long covid

Signing in. Wexford hurling has caused itšŸ¤¬


Those ones are vicious enough. Drink plenty of fluids. Hopefully it was a JG strain of Covid and youā€™re ok after 24 hours.

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Canā€™t be covid mate Iā€™m vaccinated.

Feels like a bad hangover now. Awful headache

JG Covid isnā€™t real covid.

Oh good

Iā€™m not taking the piss here, and I could be mixing you up, are you sick quite often?

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More than Iā€™d like, yeah

You need a tonic or something

Yeah Iā€™ve been trying to take more vitamins and the like.

Mainly I only get mild doses but this one is a bastard

You work in the airport youā€™re exposed to every sort of bug going.