Feeling a bit sick

Jaysus if your body is protesting at giving it up it’s a good thing you gave it up.

Thanks for the warning

I was with you there up until the last sentence.
What does that mean in plain English?

Means he was sixth in the queue.

Was he queuing on his knees?

when he got the refusal

A debs, as yous free staters call it

The ‘upper sixth’ must be some sort of code for blow-job.
That would give anybody ‘frozen, stingy, wobbly’ knees while standing.

Ah ffs…sixth form- lower sixth and upper sixth
I suppose it’s a posh grammar thing

Rake of people sick around the place. I reckon it is this weak Covid variant doing the rounds.

Lot of scratchy throats out there lads, resist the temptation to test yourselves

Theres a dirty one going around atm.Chest infection and flattened

You might have to hire a few mna caointe if it’s the one that takes you back to the mothership.

I’ve had a little cough get progressively worse all day and with it a pain in my right side that hurts, progressively worse, when i cough.


Try kicking the head off some young fella

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I feel like someone kicked the head off me.

A couple of drops of this mate in your glass of water

Did you know that the American indians were the source of knowledge regarding this matter…they shared their knowledge and wisdom, whereupon some enterprising herbalist headed off bring to market the aboriginal miracle remedy. But they got the wrong plant…it’s still the wrong plant

Wow. @Kyle can you fill us in on what the real plant is please? Id like to protect my myself and my family from the ravages of disease and general rundowness.

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As if big pharma are going to let you know that.