Feeling a bit sick

Eh @Kyle is half lakota half scrote. And unreal mix

Did anyone have COVID recently? I feel like i was hit by a bus and then went 12 rounds with mike Tyson… Cough, headache, aches, chills,/ fever… Even water is giving me nausea.

@Fagan_ODowd I’m leaving you my record collection.

Cheers pal. I’ll treasure the three of them dearly


You cunt :rofl:

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The hole country is rotten with it. It’s as well they’re all vaxinamatated

I told work I had it so I could have a few days off cos I was depressed outta my mind.


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I went to a performance of the snowman on Saturday with about 200 gremlins in attendance… The diseased little bastards have killed me


Coffin Dancing GIF


I’d say i had it 3 weeks ago. Had a couple of rough days and wasn’t right for over a week.

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Boosters lads. Boosters!

Are you taking your daily Vit D? Deficiency is common in Irish people due to the lack of sunlight, and your dark skin compounds the problem. I had two family members in Ireland very sick with Covid this summer, both young and otherwise healthy. Had bloodwork done, literally no Vit D.
5000 IU a day and and additional 5000 for a few months if you are deficient.

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Would you urge a man of Kyle’s age to take k2…the last thing we want is to see his arteries getting all calcified on him

Yep, Vit K and D go hand in hand, both vital for bone health as well as cardiovascular health. Especially important for vegan types like @Kyle.

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That’s ok. I’m right here…anytime you want to kick things upstairs for a second opinion


I had a savage month of sun upto Oct 20. Should have enough D in reserve till Jan 4.

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He’s about as much a vegan as i am a lesbian

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You slag

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I’ve been on these daily for a good while.



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