Feeling a bit sick

Stealth bombers i believe is the correct term

Definitely superior to the experimental jean therapy


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Three days of it now for all of the Spideys bar the young lad. Bowls of eucalyptus oil, lemsip toddys and Sudafed. This soon will pass.


Herself is down with that RSV and was coughing and spluttering all over my general direction in the last few days, candles lit and fingers crossed the ivermectin holds it off



Did you use classic subcutaneous method or go with the much maligned pour-on?


Playing out as aboveā€¦ A brutal 24 hours but still feeling like shit on day 6. A cunt of a cough has developed.

RSV / Covid is doing the rounds

Shouldā€™ve spikevaxed that body

Anyone able to set up a poll?
Iā€™ve been harangued about getting the flu and covid jabs.
Be genuinely interested in whether people would get flu jab, covid jab, both or neither.

Whoā€™s haranguing you?

Work and herself.

Iā€™m hoping to take a month off at some stage in the first half of next year and Iā€™ll probably get the covid jab ahead of that. Save the risk of losing a week or more off a trip.

You will be if he decides to get them.

Vaccines have been taken off the market because of 1 in 100k adverse reactions. The Pfizer vaccine has 1 in 800ā€¦according to their own trial data.
Ask for the long term safety profile

I genuinely wonder does it reduce risk at this stage. Ditto the flu jab.

The crackpots have gotten to you.

Itā€™s a dose , but let your immune system do its thing.

According to this research it does, for a few months, then it increases the risk. A previous infection offers better protection
But be carefulā€¦the beige crew have decided that johnā€™s phds disqualify him from the conversation

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