Feeling a bit sick

Second a good idea, the first one no real benefit

I got both. Canā€™t see much downside to getting flu jab. Iā€™d be fairly agnostic about Covid one if youā€™ve had a few already. Might save you taking a week off work.

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I took it a few times, after covid ill never take a vaccine again

Donā€™t keep rolling the dice

You probably got that watching the late late last night



Personal choice I suppose, Covid doesnā€™t appear to be anything to be worry about at the moment

Flu is different, thankfully I havenā€™t much experience but I believe itā€™s a massive dose, if youā€™re worried about it and if your job is important to you and you donā€™t want to get sick then itā€™s something you should consider

Fly is absolutely awful. Iā€™d rather covid any day having had both twice.

Iā€™ll let @glenshane make that call

Thatā€™s your perogative. You can bring a horse to water but canā€™t make it drink



@Bandage have you received your 6th booster?

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Just leaving it for a few more days, as Iā€™ve just had the flu vaccine. Itā€™d be reckless taking two in the space of a day or two, according to that lad with the certificate in e-learning who lists his qualification beside all his insightful Covid writings.

:clap::clap:makes sense
I got both
No issues
All around me fellas are dropping like flies ref flu

Mrs Hunt brought two chislers down for flu vaccine a few weeks ago. The nurse asked had she received flu or covid jab herself and proceeded to give her both vaccines. She got covid last week and was right as rein in a couple of days. Jim Bowen wonā€™t like to hear anecdotal evidence like this but just shows the vaccine works.

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Thatā€™s great to read & really puts my mind at ease. I might look into getting the 6th & 7th covid booster together so. :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


I think it actually just proves that youā€™re clane fucking mental.

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So she still got covid after getting the vaccine and was sick for a few days after getting covid the same way most people without the vaccine would be?