Feeling a bit sick

She wasn’t very sick. More a bad head cold. A lot of people are out of action for a week and take another while before they’re fully back to normal. Rest of the Hunt family are fine so more evidence that it worked for us too.

I don’t believe you


Was recently chatting to a couple at the school gate recently who said this was their second time getting it. The latest bout knocked them both for six. Maybe they were lying.

Vaccines are a total cod, even the normal flu jab

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Did ye ask them if they’d had their injections…or did your clinical trial just include the missus?

Oh I wouldn’t be as qualified as an underage GAA prodigy or an engineer in London to carry out clinical trials. Mine is merely anecdotal evidence to back up the general medical professional consensus.


The general medical consensus keeps changing mate. 100% down to continue weakening your immune system and risking your health for less and less protection.
All joking aside- dont keep rolling the dice with that thing



In fairness to @glenshane , he tried to help posters on the forum. He was attacked for it too repeatedly.

Vitamin D sure proved far more effective than that juice fellas were taking from Pfizer.

100% effective indeed.


Especially at this time of year. Not much sunlight

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Sometimes i think i care too much, and give too much.
What really disturbs me is smug bastards who want ro run with the fox and hunt with the hounds…fellas too cute to take the injection themselves, yet feign enthusiasm for it at the expense of gullible and simple lads like mikehunt and tracksuit.

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I reckon I’ve had the flu vaccine every year for the past 20 and funnily enough, I’ve never had the flu.

Same except I’ve never got the flu jab.


Did they ask for his help?

I’m here to save lives, not tiptoe around some niceties

Mind your own fucking business you busy cunt.

Happy Christmas pal.

Humanity is my business

And happy Christmas to you mate

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you advocate for humanity on here mate- you dont get the credit for this


Jesus wept, you’re still making stuff up :joy:

I’ve had two vaccines in my adult life, both for Covid, I only did it to help protect the elderly and vulnerable as that was the narrative

I’ve never been sick a day in my life, I’m a picture of health compared to the rest of the forum who are constantly down with something
Live and let live, each to their own, wouldn’t judge anybody for their stance on vaccines, I did feel that medical professionals should have gotten the Covid vaccine when it was introduced, it wasn’t much to ask

Hi guys, it’s Christmas. Maybe leave the foxholes for a week or so.

Love and peace

Who are you having a dig at here? I haven’t had a serious sickness since i possibly had COVID 2 years ago.