
I’m @The_Dublin_Bay_Prawn

@Ambrose_McNulty is one of those uber rural types. Like a pat shortt caricature.

The sort of a fella who thinks looking at the engine of a Massey like a goat looking into a field of thorns makes him very masculine

He probably has mammy issues as well as he relates everything back to femininity


He thinks he shot JR.

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He doesn’t like filling out forms

People tend not to like what they aren’t capable of.

:laughing: the full ensemble of virtue sisters are in. Someone dropped a tampon in the water to draw @Dziekanowski here.


Boom! :smiley:

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@Mac stuck his beak in and suddenly it’s all kicking off.

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I should rebrand as @geppetto


It’s almost like a Sunday night in the good old days

Is this really what passes for a dig at somone on here now? That’s the best you can make up?


He wasn’t making it at you, but it’s very revealing you took offence to it. :smile:

When exactly has he ever done better?
It’s a step up from “you’re wrong” in fairness.

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You’ve been roaring crying on here for weeks and making a show of yourself. But ya, that fine… keep those hormones up.

Im not sure it is a step up. Its his first opinion here in years though, makes sense now why he avoids giving them

Good memories. Alas, we’ve all moved on from there :sleepy:

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There’s a certain breed of poster on here who measures their worth by pretending to be “macho” types on here. Macho keyboard warriors.

Really, that anybody would feel the need to do that shows just how inssecure in their own masculinity they are. Weak, weak men.

The mask is slipping badly tonight though. Things are getting all too much for the pretend macho men. You can feel the genuine hurt just dripping from their posts. And all because of a few gentle digs at pseudonyms. :smile:

Kudos @Mac !

Recognised @Ambrose_McNulty for the cunt he is and hooked him beautifully. He’s like ice cream in the summer sun.

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We all must mature over time. You’re a credit to your people.

Still bitter about that vote :joy: . Ye nordies are great at hold onto a grudge.