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Jaysuz, your flirtation with liberalism was short lived.

Liberalism this an oxymoron of a word

Looks like glas and juhy won’t be going for a midnight skinny dip together in the near future


Where’s this mate, I’m at a bit of a loose end ?

Starts around here bud


Not a traditional feud but @Ambrose_McNulty has been trying to draw @backinatracksuit out for a good 9-12 months now. He’ll ratchet up the intensity every so often but never seems to get a bite. It’s fascinating to watch. Can anyone explain what this is over?

You batted that away beautifully


Sssshhhh FFS don’t mention feuds there’s an ethnic gathering for a traveller funeral this week, we’ve enough feuds without any on here

He tends to follow people around endlessly cause he’s a fat weird angry little man. Watch this he’ll be on now this like a flash. Also the ignore has run out on him and for some reason I can’t do it again. Can you sort it out @mac?

Poor little princess :laughing: , trying her hardest again. Thankfully I’m neither fat, little or angry, but make up whatever helps you along.

I can understand your frustration as you’re sharing your house with a load of lodgers that you’ve brought in to scrape the mortgage repayments together, while you’re cooped up in the box room. Not easy looking at that Enable Ireland furniture you’ve cobbled together in the living room either, as seen from the picture you posted a few months ago. That would depress anyone, but hang in there pal. I’m always here to talk.


Point proven.

He has an intricate knowledge of all posters. Very stalker like

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@Mac was a fierce stalker on here himself in his day tbf. It was majestic to watch him in action

One of the highlights of TFK is when one of the virtue sisters exposes their hypocrisy. @glasagusban always hating on landlords and turns out he’s one himself. You literally couldn’t make it up. He’s like a little Fine Gael TD.

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He’s still triggered :smiley:

Who says I’m still not??

@Ambrose_McNulty’s entire time on this forum has been grimly fascinating to watch. He’s been posting here for what must be at least two or three years now since he signed up to try and find out the identity of the complainant during the Paddy Jackson trial (I think) and he’s still as pointless as he was then.

For a lad who only joined recently you sure know a lot of history about this place…