
Macho, macho man. I wanna be a macho man



Stand back

So you do cry? :grinning:

What the fuck are on about then when you use imaginary crying as an attempt at a “dig” when you admit to crying for real yourself? :smiley:

What a hypocrite!

When that sid lad went running to john Connors he didn’t mention the various anti-traveller posts he’d made over the years. A remarkable performance.


Your only mistake was not tweeting more stuff from here.

Did you get therapy after the meltdown, pal? Don’t avoid the topic. Own it, as you’d say yourself.

This @glenshane lad doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going!

It’s just the way he’s walking

He’d plenty to be ashamed of the cowardly little rat cunt. Did he tweet his posts about stalking a bird to australia, wanting to eating her tampons or many of his other despicable statements?


That @sidney lad used to be a decent poster a few years back but alas no more.He turned into a right bitter bollix for some reason

He stalked a girl to Australia, I don’t think he was ever decent.

I hope he gets well

That was pretty weird alright.

What’s this now, mate?

Are you mistaking me with @Sidney?

I’m not @Sidney but I wholeheartedly applaud what he did, I’d do it myself if I was in his position.

If people can’t stand over what they wrote on the INTERNET, well maybe they shouldn’t have written it in the first place!

Would you agree?

Why did the mods take the forum down if there was nothing to be ashamed of on the site?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


About 6 or 7 lads piling in here. It’s always the same lads, and there’ll be a few more on yet.

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Let them fight

You’re not Sidney?

Over 4.5k posts in under 3 months :laughing: loves his life.