
I love the way they all give each other “likes” for moral support. You can tell Pampers McNulty appreciates it as he can;t fight his own battles, none of them can.

Yourself, sid and glas were the ones who piled in.no point complaining about it now.

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Your well on top here.

Listen mate, if you act the complete cunt, and continue to do so, expect to be called out for it, no? Just because you share some opinions about a lockdown you think ah lets forget about attempting to bring a website down because you got a temporary ban for being a knob.


Lovely bit of spring cleaning happening here tonight.


Pampers and that misogynist creep @dodgy_keeper gave @Watchyourtoes likes. :smile:

Moral support for the men’s shed lads :laughing:

@Dziekanowski is telling the pigeons in the attic that he’s won another great internet victory! There’ll be celebrations tonight :clap:

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Look at you winning again!

Just stating facts, nothing more.

Thanks, mate, means a lot coming from you.

Let it go mate. Harbouring bitterness is no good to anyone. I had my speak on it at the time, it’s done. Get the fuck over it and grow up

What did @Sidney do wrong?

Why did the mods take down the forum if there was no problem?

It’s worked out much better than I expected if I’m honest


You’re existence is so pathetic, you need this. Do a lap of honor around the rafters there.


Don’t forget his “jokes” about suicide or his posts mocking a poster because their wife got cancer.

That’s the level you’re dealing with.

If the Premier League is declared null and void it’s frightening to think about how he’ll react, online and offline.


:smile: :smile:


That’s an observation, not a complaint, dude.

Complaining is what were doing earlier because you couldn’t get a computer machine to work

That’s just like your opinion, man.


More lies, this from the lad that wants thousands of people to die from COVID-19 - the far right are vile sociopaths and especially the uber-creep @dodgy_keeper.

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