Fidel Castro

Gerry can do the White House , corporate America and Cuba . He is pretty flexible .

A pragmatist.

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Stevenson has a drink problem and panhandles journos and tourists for drink money. Itā€™s not really a glorious retirement.

Yes, this unelected dictator murdered thousands, heaps of journalists and gays, and anyone who looked sideways at him.

But 2 boxers seemed happy.

He can seamlessly move between all levels of society and then on the other side you have our great leader Kenny who is barely let out the door with a minder for fear heā€™ll make a show of himself.


Unlike boxers in the US who all retire to a comfortable and dignified life? Itā€™s a bit low to mock the personal problems of former athletes to make your point.

An awful lot of boxing stories donā€™t end great . The country or system is largely immaterial

Perhaps being repeatedly punched in the head isnā€™t good for you.

You could be on to something .

Just making the point that itā€™s not as rose-tinted or idealistic as you were painting it. Stevensonā€™s circumstances are sad, I wasnā€™t mocking them. Small enough percentage of boxers make out with health and finances intact anywhere.

howā€™s jarry going to manage that since Castro is being cremated

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Iā€™m sitting here at my computer in full Cuban military outfit.

Viva la Revolucion.


Thatā€™s a great way to camouflage what youā€™re doing at work.

I hope you donā€™t fatigue of wearing it.

I asked for an annual leave day to mourn Fidel.

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The great man himself would have been proud of you. :clap:

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@Rocko we want a poll

Fidel would have simply taken a day. You dishonour his memory by asking.

Is there enough room for a desk in the bedsit?