Fidel Castro

Not sure, mate.

Maybe you should get a measuring tape and see if you can fit one in.




will socialist Jarry Adams (owner of 3 houses) be travelling first class or business class to Havanna to shoulder the urn?


He is a social democratā€¦ Big difference pal.

He tweeted there that he nearly missed the flight with the queue down at the post office where he was paying the water rate (northern and UK properties).

Your sad what a weak post

Iā€™m going to pop into James Foxā€™s and buy a big Cuban cigar as a mark of respect. When is the funeral?

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Iā€™m on to it. Have the week off. Just put down the 3 weeks to Christmas eve and then off until Jan 9th.

Micheal D Higgins should be fucked out of the Aras. The little fucker has seriously over stepped the mark here.
He should be given an official warning.

Thatā€™s the first post in two days where you havenā€™t mentioned ā€œthe gaysā€.Well done.


It has nothing to do with the queers thats why.

On that topic, I notice the lefties arenā€™t spouting much gay right waffle the last few days.

Good to see you taking up the slack for them

He should be impeached. The little fucking elf and his ā€œon behalf of the Irish peopleā€ spinning his communist claptrap that has been rejected by the Irish people at the ballot box since the foundation of the state


Heā€™s a fucking disgrace.

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Castro sent the CIA home with their tea in a mug.


The little cunt is using the office for his own personal crusades.

Twas a pretty big mug though

heā€™s overstepped the mark

And they had no sugar in their tea due to the embargo.

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