Fidel Castro

Why can you lads never even do the most basic of research?


Fuckin bunch of Una Mullalys

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I wasn’t around in the mid 70s pal, was he outspoken as president?

Viva la Quince Brigida

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the lefty headbangers are out in force today spewing their warped version of reality

Will the lefties be out to herald Mugabe as a hero when he kicks the bucket as well?

That seems to be the standard they’ve set themselves in the last 72 hours.


what your man in North Korea, he built a few hospitals, he must be alright

Sir Robert Mugabe? The lad that was knighted by your beloved queen?



This is very embarrassing for Mark Malone and for you posting this.

Goes to show the intellectual heavyweights we’re dealing with.

Following it up with this boastful line makes it even sweeter

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Which was rescinded in 2008.

A lot changed between 1994 and 2008.

Some people could maybe grow up from thinking they are Student Union politics crusaders with their anti Americanism and realise that Franco was a vile dictator.

why can’t these lefty headbangers bring themselves to denounce this Tyrant Castro? all they do is whinge " but but this fella was worse"

Robert still owes them a right few bob

They engage in non stop whataboutery. It’s nutty carry on altogether, all because they got the horn seeing strong man Castro on a tank with Che Guevara back when they were in college.

Most people grow out of that but you’ll always have your Sidney types I suppose.


Ireland could do with a strong man like Fidel,this democracy lark is overrated

He stitched the Brits up good and proper. Lizzie thought she could buy him off with a knighthood and then he took back most of the land the Brits stole off them and sent them home with their Pimms in a mug.

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Wot wot wot

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Is that Trevor McDonald before he went grey?

Sir Trevor? Or was his knighthood rescinded too?

You mean Her Majesty’s Government. She makes no decisions over Knighthoods.

In 1994, Mugabe’s international standing was a far cry from 2008 - after all it was forum hero Mandela who said “He was the star and then the sun came up.” Mandela clearly disapproved of Mugabe’s behaviour as the years went by but never explicitly came out against him until it was too late, which was highly disappointing. At least the Brits rescinded their honour for him.

As @Watch_The_Break likes to say when he thinks he’s posting a picture of John A Costello when it’s Liam Cosgrave;

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