Fidel Castro

Don’t forget the gays.

The Brits criticising someone for land theft :joy:

You couldn’t make it up.



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Sorry mate, it’s called a bit of knowledge about the world around me.

I provided you with Mandela’s thoughts on Mugabe.

In the 1980s Zimbabwe was respected. Mostly peaceful, an economy that was in decent health, a strong education system by African standards at the time and Mugabe led genuine efforts at reconciliation with the white population.

It is true that in 1994 he was turning and the Brits wanted to butter him up, but he was not the demented nutcase he became.

Read a book sometime.

Again, doing nothing to improve your defense of Castro here.

All you guys have is whataboutery and your lil pics of Castro with a cigar looking like a hard man.

It’s 2016 and you’re supposed to be adults.

I can’t wait till you’re all moaning about the slightest human rights abuse in the future. Hypocrites.

I’m surprised you didn’t call it Rhodesia. :grin:

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I only call it Rhodesia when discussing former British Lions Tours

Loins, mate, it’s spelled “Loins”.

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Mugabe had commited everything, and worse, that you find so reprehensible about Castro long before 1994. But he was their man at the time and it didn’t matter.
Read a book sometime


Is Mugabe dead?

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Read a book on it?

That’s a big leap of faith you seem to be putting in somebody’s version of events.

Given that you support a rugby team that were backers of apartheid South Africa, I would question your impartiality here.

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You supported a candidate in the US election who’s on record as saying “torture works”.

And where did that torture that “works” and that “will work” again take place? Oh, that’s right, Guantanamo Bay.

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Sid taking out the trash tonight.

Au usual

He must have a garbage truck outside

It is actually going out here tomorrow, coincidentally. Dimmy is in the “recyclables” bin.

The great man is on bbc2 now kid

I think from doing the hopkiss articles he understands how they think & that frightens them


While Fidel was blitzing racists, hero of the bootlickers Maggie Thatcher was busy defending them.