Fidel Castro

I was answering @Sidney on the causes of increased poverty levels in Ireland.

I assume you are trying to argue that Trump might lead the US into the same fiscal problems as Ireland had. It’s certainly possible. The US already has a spending to revenue problem though, which has ballooned under Obama (although not at the level Ireland had in 2007-2010). US govt spending is about 34% of GDP, Ireland was 66% at the peak of the recession. Federal spending in the US is roughly 15% above revenues, Ireland was 2:1 in 2010, but is now apparently down to more sustainable levels.

Who knows what Trump will actually do, but the primary problem the US faces is sluggish economic growth. There is a need for large scale infrastructure spending, but it has to be paid for, rather than further increasing the deficit. Lowering capital tax rates seems counter intuitive, but actually makes sense as the current tax system encourages corporations to move their profit centers offshore, and discourages small and medium sized businesses in the US. I also think he will take a cleaver to the federal government, which also makes sense as it is grossly bloated.

left wing revisionism

It was the trailer trash like Tony Montana.

Tell that to the people of Stalingrad who sent von Paulus home with his tea in a mug.

How did they fare under Stalin after that?

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Continue on.

another fucking nutcase, was it just the 30 million of his own people he exterminated? socialism strikes again!

They had free water though.


No[quote=“Tassotti, post:468, topic:23439, full:true”]
another fucking nutcase, was it just the 30 million of his own people he exterminated? socialism strikes again!

That’s just a lazy estimate cobbled together by the right wing fascist media of Beaverbrook and co.

what is a couple of million here and there between socialist friends?


Stalin did lots of great things, he just happened to be a bit of a shit.

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He battered the shit out of the Germans on his own. The Brits had to go cap in hand to the yanks and they’ve been their toy poodles ever since.

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Things were going well in Berlin in 1936 aswell, Hitler had great ideas back then, everyone was happy


I’m italian

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he saved the world from nazism

He had a great tactic of absorbing German bullets using endless supplies of his own people. Rewrote the book on military strategy.


Another good crowd for a war. Beat out of Ethiopia by a few lads with bows and arrows and then bent over for the yanks.


A shameful period in our history

We had the greatest empire the world has ever seen.

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