FIFA World Cup 2010 - Group Stage

Disappointed with your post, mate, as I count you as a thoroughly all right sort. I hold Shan in similarly high esteem so the post hit a raw nerve. I respect your right to post it though and I hope it won’t adversely affect our online interaction in the future.


time will tell…If shan stops making so many inane posts then I might withdraw my earlier comment

I see you have finally come out of your shell against me. You could only resist for so long I guess. The Shan of May 2009 may have cared with what you said.

:lol: B) :lol: :lol:

1-0 Shan

Outstanding riposte by Shan. Post of the World Cup so far. :clap:

This could cause panic and uproar with the rank and file senior members of the forum but ahem here it goes anyway,the poster known as The Puke has contributed nothing but anti Limerick and pitiful sniping comments at some of the forums sounder members of late,the place was a whole lot better when you pissed off to another forum.That’s it i said it.

FOAD you utter retard - shan has respect here- you dont


Sorry lads, could someone tell me who this no mark is

[quote=“north county corncrake, post: 478016”]
FOAD you utter retard - shan has respect here- you dont
[/quote]I knew you would be first in with your typical spiel,should you not be off worrying about the pathetic state of football in your country?

Jesus. :rolleyes:

? - we are the world champions & the european club champions

All the internet friends backing each other up as usual,i’m starting to wonder am i too good for this place? :lol:

You’d fit in well on AFR…

[quote=“north county corncrake, post: 478021”]
? - we are the world champions & the european club champions
[/quote]Your performance the other night was on the same level as that of New Zealand,as for the Champions league not one grease ball on the Inter starting eleven,done and done.

[quote=“The Dunph, post: 478023”]
You’d fit in well on AFR…
[/quote]Been there done that.

He would be well suited to

