FIFA World Cup 2010 - Group Stage


[quote=“The Dunph, post: 478048”]
toes hasn’t said anything in a while, maybe he has actually registered on
[/quote]Dunph if you haven’t eaten for a while it doesn’t mean you went and joined weight watchers!oops.


I just checked out and it says under newest member “Watchyourtoes”. Oh dear. :lol:

I wanted to reply to Dunph about a certain post but Puke would take offence. What to do?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Go for it Shan…

think what would shan of may 09 would do & the do the opposite

:lol: :lol:

Who would be the Danielson of the Nxt group on here?

Not call you lot all a pack of cunts.

I don’t know, who??


good to have you back posting a bit more shan

I would have thought you Dunph as you dont take any shit from anyone.

Seems this debate has died a death. Who won?

WYT has picked a bad battle here.

To give him credit though he did step up to the plate. In fighting a battle by himself he already has the high ground on the dunph.

The people of were the only winners tonight as they have a new member in their ranks…

no need to write a thesis on your thoughts on this thread :rolleyes:



I won’t dignify WTB’s post with a response.

The Dunph is on fire tonight…if only foley was online

The rural games element of the forum would put anybody off I had time to calm down over the year a bit and dont fall for the wind up merchants of the old days. Good banter tonight from Ncc, Dunph and Bandage. :clap: