FIFA World Cup 2010 - Group Stage

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 478062”]
WYT has picked a bad battle here.

To give him credit though he did step up to the plate. In fighting a battle by himself he already has the high ground on the dunph.
[/quote]WTB to his great credit almost always knows the score :clap:
Let it be one on one or four on one,i sure as shit wont back down from any God fearing man on this forum,numbers are only there to be counted and fish don’t fry in the kitchen!

Don’t get upset dunph, I’m not trying to rile you. It’s no secret to anyone that you’ve been crawling around in ncc’s anal passage for the last twelve months. They’ve been saying it behind your back in pms anyway if they haven’t been saying it to you.


Colin Murray - FOAD.


Anal gouging has really taken off around here of late.

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 478070”]
Don’t get upset dunph, I’m not trying to rile you. It’s no secret to anyone that you’ve been crawling around in ncc’s anal passage for the last twelve months. They’ve been saying it behind your back in pms anyway if they haven’t been saying it to you.
[/quote] :lol: :clap: Stunning from WTB,throwing a curve ball like that in the Dunphs direction,poor fool will be like a pup chasing his tail for the coming days making sure all his alliances are intact :lol:

I believe Richie Sadlier will be on Rte highlights at 12.

Its the end of Day 7 of the World Cup and where the fuck is Ossie on Rtes coverage. Also Souness has gone Mia after what he said on Sunday. And with Robbie Earle sacked its a worrying time if you are a pundit.

I’m not trying to have a go at the dunph. It hardly bothers me how he chooses to act on here.

It’s just that he gave up trying on here around this time last year and just became ncc’s bitch. You’d wonder what kind of self esteem the guy has to need to do that on an anonymous internet forum.

are you jealous of our friendship?

Christ. :lol:

Souness was on monday night with Brady…Ossie must have fucked off home…

If I was in Robbie Earl’s position I would have done the same thing :wink: , id say he was well looked after for his troubles

Oh by the way, fuck you shan :stuck_out_tongue:


Half the people on here know who i am in real life…

Exactly man to give Dunph credit he has his moments but the man just cannot seem to stay neutral when his master is on the receiveing end of an internet drubbing,but as you said it doesn’t bother me either how he acts around here as long as he keeps out of my business.

[quote=“north county corncrake, post: 478077”]
are you jealous of our friendship?
[/quote]This isn’t the best place to come out of the closet man.

something you know about well?
where did you come out of the closet when you finally decided to confirm everyone suspicions?

Do you want me to get in your face?

[quote=“The Dunph, post: 478080”]

Half the people on here know who i am in real life…
[/quote]By half the forum do you mean Runt and Puke? didn’t one of them post up a pic of you not too long ago?

You didnt want to battle on my terms earlier in the season so I wont get into a slagging match here. On the other hand the Captainshan of May 2009 said go fuck yourself.

I missed Monday nights match so that explains a lot. How the feck did Earle get so many tickets. Its not like he has the analysing ability of a Giles.


Runt, Puke, MAD, Rintintin, Tournafulla Man, HangBlaa, SS**, NCC. Need i go on? I believe there was a picture of me posted up but sure i have nothing to hide…