Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Can they jump a fence?

Would you shoot them if they canā€™t?

No, just whip them.

Kildare is level as it is.

Tara Reade

Vindication for former poster @Dziekanowski.

My goodness, you can trace the lineage from Sidney Waddell to Sidney to Dziekanowski & onto Cheasty & youā€™ve been right about every single global political matter - Trump, Putin, kleptocrats, demagogues, Brexit, the far right, anti-trans hysteria, culture wars & the split season.

It drives your INTERNET nemeses absolutely demented but they donā€™t have the humility to acknowledge it.


Numerous smear campaigns and everything

Are you talking about @glenshane here and all the slurs and smears he had to deal with from people like you despite being proven utterly correct and right on Covid?

Ahemā€¦i suppose the steele dossier and mueller reports were a downward blip on an otherwise upwards trajectory

Iā€™m fairness to Sid he does his own research unlike gobshites who say ā€œyouā€™re wrong because ā€¦ nothingā€

Donā€™t discount intuition over biased and flawed research.

Reddit is a great resource.

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There is a field. Iā€™ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesnā€™t make any sense.

Thatā€™s a bit rich considering the same fella doxxed half the forum when he got banned

Intuition is also biased as it assumes we know something when in reality we think we know.

Matt Gaetz
Marjorie Taylor Greene

It may or may not be correct but if it is correct it comes from the truest source and is irrefutable.

Isnā€™t MTG the mas lunatic conspiracy theorist one?

Sheā€™s one of them. The Republican party is a lunatic conspiracy theorist party.

More fifth columnists: this lot.