US Presidential Election 2020

You are spot on , but to be fair there has been a marginal improvement in 4 years

McCain Obama and Obama Romney look like Camelot now.


Is it too late for Hillary to get involved?


Delighted, old bastard even farts left .

To say Tara Readeā€™s allegation against Joe Biden donā€™t pass the smell test is a bit of an understatement.

It bears all the classic hallmarks of a Russian false flag.

And Iā€™m no fan of Biden.

Bidenā€™s own decree was the presumption of guilt until proven innocent with regards to allegations of this nature. He couldnā€™t have made that any clearer. He is a sleazy old man.

He might well be sleazy but the allegation doesnā€™t stand up at all and thatā€™s all that matters.

WHO thrown under a bus. Lying about numbers

Travel bans travel bans travel bans

This is mental

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Cuomo is the man to lead the u.s with strong Irish and Italian connections.

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You could list 1,000 reasons not to vote for Biden and heā€™d still be a million times better than Trump.

Well obviously. Itā€™s ridiculous that heā€™s the ā€œleftā€ candidate though. Some of those things in the article are mind boggling

Indeed, obviously. I never wanted Biden to be the candidate but he is and thatā€™s that, people have got to vote for him in massive numbers or itā€™s full blown fascism for America.

Weā€™re in Ireland mate, anything we say on here isnā€™t going to have an effect on the result. You can criticise the person you want to win

All women must be believed, except the woman that accuses you :rofl:

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Tara Reade has plenty of opportunity to put forward a believable story. Thatā€™s exactly what ā€œbelieving womenā€ means. It means any allegation should be treated in good faith. Thatā€™s exactly what has happened.

Reade has completely failed to put forward a believable story, has changed her story multiple times and none of her supposed corroborating witnesses back her up. It just so happens that in the last two years sheā€™s done a massive volte face from being seemingly extremely angry at Russian interference in the US election to being a massive supporter of Putin and Russia. There are more red flags over her allegation than youā€™d see after a mass pile up at the first corner at the Monaco Grand Prix.

It shouldnā€™t be forgotten how @labane1917 tried to completely vilify Christine Blasey Ford, whose allegation was infinitely more credible.

Republicans like @labane1917 are vile misogynist creeps and will stop at nothing both to vilify women (the stuff he posted about Hillary Clinton here in and since 2016 was dripping with vile, creepy misogyny) and to push a pro-kleptocracy agenda. This is the same party which has consistently defended and indeed eulogised serial rapists and suspected paedophiles, one of them is on stage giving a Hitler like address right now. Now theyā€™re suddenly holding themselves up as the party which believes women. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The fact is whoever went up up against Trump was always going to be smeared shamelessly, it would be the exact same if was Sanders, Buttigieg, Booker or whoever, it wouldnā€™t matter if it was Warren or Harris, theyā€™d come up with a vicious smear campaign.

The projection and the strategy of projection would be hilarious if wasnā€™t so creepy and utterly gross.

What are his Irish connections? Divorced from a Kennedy?

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None, 100% Italian on both sides.