Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West


The purpose of good satire is to expose the real views of batshit crazy lunatics - which those lunatics are too cowardly to reveal, instead attempting to dress them up as ā€œmoderateā€ or ā€œrespectableā€.

This works because it is blindingly obvious that this genuinely is Greenwaldā€™s mindset.

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Three threads here on how Tucker Carlson is shilling for Putin.


Obviously :+1:

Candace Owens engaging in yet more performative racism

In any reasonable assessment, retweeting the piece of excrement that is Michael Tracey would be close to being deemed scraping the bottom of the barrel.

But there is no bottom with Wallace.

Thereā€™s Russian money somewhere with Wallace. The cunt.

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Self Promoter
Fake ā€œOutsiderā€

He ticks all the boxes the Russians love.


No passaran, slava Ukraini

Hereā€™s 8

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Thatā€™s class, I hadnā€™t realised that the critical thinkers line was widespread, I thought the TFK contrarians coined it :rofl:

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Critical thinking is all about listening to obscure podcasts that nobody has ever heard of and basing all your opinions on that

Obscure podcasts hosted by actual self declared fascists.

Who say the Allied side was the ā€œwrong sideā€ in World War II.

In fairness the critical thinkers predicted your ā€˜i ran with covidā€™ announcement before youā€™d even laced an addidas

Has anybody a clue what this means?

Does this guy speak any English?