Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

What in Gods name are you on about??

Who predicted what like??!

Wrong thread

Tony Kevin, Australian ambassador to Poland 1991-1994. Worked as a diplomat in Russia during the Cold War and has been a regular visitor to Moscow over the last decade. Doesn’t take a genius to work out what’s going on with him.


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Fucking hell.

That news needs to spread far & wide. Renault have form in shady dealing the dishonourable shower of frog eating cunts

Chris Williamson

These cunts are floundering

Tim Hayward, Professor of Environmental Political Theory at the University of Edinburgh.

Tim is proof that being a Professor of something is no guarantee that that person will not be as thick as pigshit.

Tonight With Vincent Browne regular Eoin O’Murchu. The fucking state of him.

He’s been a busy little bastard.

Poor Tulsi Gabbard’s audience has suddenly evaporated.

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Eamonn McCann

The people who make those Ritter Sport chocolate bars

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Every Tory voter should be forced to watch this.


This guy is a Loyalist so obviously he couldn’t resist a few poorly chosen digs in the last few tweets of this thread, but his factual points as regards Sinn Fein’s admiration for Russia hold.

Sometime during the first week of March Sinn FĂ©in deleted from its website any material that showed its past support for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.



This amounted to twenty years of support and in part explained why the website fell from 2,729 pages to only 373, losing some 50,000 press statements in the process.


In 2015 the Sinn FĂ©in MEPs at the European Parliament abstained on a motion condemning the Russia invasion and then annexation of the Crimea.


When the Irish Government suspended a Russian diplomat following the Salisbury poisonings the Sinn FĂ©in leader, Mary Lou McDonald, condemned the then Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, for “flagrant disregard for Irish neutrality”.


In a subsequent policy paper on Irish neutrality, Sinn FĂ©in renewed its criticism of the expulsions.


“The escalation of involvement with EU military structures and the recent expulsion of a Russian diplomat in supposed solidarity with another EU member state under the pretence of common defence and security co-operation (CDSC) clearly shows that this government is prepared


to sacrifice our neutrality and independent foreign policy at the altar of European integration unless stopped”.


Yesterday, 29 March, Ireland expelled four Russian diplomats due to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, causing Mary Lou McDonald to rush out her approval of the expulsions and go on to demand the Ambassador himself be expelled.


The danger of undermining Ireland’s precious neutrality was not mentioned.


The former Sinn FĂ©in foreign affairs spokesman SeĂĄn Crowe called for the abolition of Nato, branding it a “Cold War relic” whose positions “have always been wrong”.


In 2019 Sinn FĂ©in MEP Lynn Boylan Boylan voted against plans to block a Russian gas pipeline.


In December 2021 Sinn FĂ©in MEP Chris McManus was amongst 69 politicians out of 548 who voted against a resolution supporting Ukraine’s independence.


Sinn Fein has a major case of schizophrenia. A deluded grouping of people who continue to use the deluded rhetoric their military wing used throughout the 30 years campaign of bombs, bullets and bodies.


And some more facts on their history of opinions on the EU


In its 1972 referendum campaign pamphlet on EEC membership, Sinn FĂ©in wrote: “Irish people will be committed to whatever wars the European superpowers decide to wage. Neutrality will go and compulsory military service for our youth will be introduced”


When speaking on the EU Austerity Treaty in 2012, Gerry Adams said:“Key fiscal decisions on taxes – including corporation tax - and welfare payments affecting Irish citizens will be made in future in Brussels and Strasbourg – not the Oireachtas,”


“The 1916 Proclamation declared ‘the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland’. Today
ownership of Ireland is denied
 by the selling out of our economy to the IMF, the European Central Bank and the EC,” said parliamentarian Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD in 2012


“Not content with ravaging the economy of Ireland
the European Council is now turning its attention to destruction on a far more ambitious scale” said Sinn FĂ©in’s Martina Anderson MEP in 2013.


Not that we needed any more evidence of doublespeak from Sinn Fein. They have one goal and one goal only: to destroy our place within the Union. Whether this is by terrorism or democracy is of no interest to them.


They are a vile death cult who continue to glorify the murder of soldiers, police officers and civillians alike. The collatoral is of no interest to them. They should never have been given legitimacy in the first place through the BA.


They could not break us through their terrorism, and they will not break us through their “trojan horse” either.


End of :thread:

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For the first time since early December, I’ve unhidden your last 4 messages and I still have no idea what you’re on about. Back to the bliss of the blocked twilight zone again.


In that case I’m surprised you were able to read the relevant button. Well done!

You’re missing out. The Russia, Ukraine war is @cheastys finest hour.

In fact if tfk should last for a thousand years they will say that this was @cheastys finest hour