Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

ā€œCritical thinkingā€ is purely a buzzphrase the likes of Cummins throw out to create a bizarro world of paranoid conspiracy which sucks in the gullible. Obviously they are the exact opposite of critical thinkers - utterly corrupt propagandists.

Just takes a few like minded gobshites to blow smoke up their arses and they begin to believe their own hype
Happens here all the time

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There are 2 kinds of people in this world.
Those who are ā€˜just asking questionsā€™ and ā€˜sheepā€™.

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One of my in-laws married a Russian. Thereā€™s a few things about her.

She never really tried to fit in with her Irish family and still has strong Russian links both locally and at home in Moscow.

Sheā€™ll ask me for technical or gardening advice. Listen with great care and attention, but then, without failure, go off and do her own thing. Much like many of ye on here really.

They have two kids. Her life revolves around them. Bringing them here, there and everywhere. Both now well educated, fluent in Russian, and both using the Russian language in their day to day work. Both strikingly beautiful also.


You forgot to mention that she has a lovely garden

Itā€™s not bad to be fair. But wouldnā€™t be my style. Fruit trees and tall sunflowers. Not my kind of stuff.

They are also very superstitious. She goes round with a clove of garlic in her bra. I took some seeds from some flowers in a hospital grounds. Grew them on and offered her some plants. She had them in the car but then I told her where the seeds were from. They were promptly handed back.

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Though this would give it a run for its dirty money.

Whatā€™s her thinking hereā€¦and how did you know?

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Itā€™s to ward off evil spirits. I do the odd tommer for them. The husband is a great man for stories.

From the off, despite having two kids, they have always slept in separate bedrooms. Sheā€™s a fine artist and all the rooms have murals on the walls, except the kitchen which is floor, roof, and all the walls cladded in wood.

Iā€™m growing to admire that idea.

Stench of garlic off the knockers will do that.


:smile: good man :clap:

Oh nooo, sheā€™s the boss.

Did I mention she has an older brother called Vladimir. They call him Vlad for short. A gas man.

Karen Devine, academic type from DCU. Sheā€™s an Irexit activist.

Spouting absolute bollocks on #brendan now.

ā€œThere is a partition between Ukrainian speakers and Russian speakers in Ukraine.ā€ There is in me hoop. Fellating discredited fools Sachs and Mearsheimer.

And not pulled up on it by the unprepared Dearbhail McDonald.

This is how Russian propaganda is spread.

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The Daily Telegraph

Heard that, it was so blatantly pro-Russian. It was all the Ukrainianā€™s fault for the invasion


Clearly Romney is a communist, or something.

Koch Industries aka the now singular Koch Brother