Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

What’s John Ryan been saying? He’s always been a bit of an oddball but I generally avoid their stuff now so don’t see a lot of it.

“Bodger”, who last time I looked was still a fan of Gemma O’Doherty, no doubt.

Doesn’t have the guts to take a position as such but publishes plenty of links to Pro Russian guff

Broadsheet is the worst.

Isn’t @artfoley a big Broadsheet fan? Another fifth columnist for Russia there.

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That’ll get some lads going something shocking once again.

George Galloway is fuming that he has been labelled as Russian State Media by Twitter.

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Be great if Paul had an idea of how else to pressure Putin into relenting from Killing & Pillaging.

Jesus - she fucking shames us.

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She’s some cunt really. When’s the next European election?

June 2024

Some Ukrainian refugee will strangle her on the canvas

You found @mikehunt’s Twitter?

Harry’s assiduous use of capitalism here made me think that ‘Killing and Pillaging’ would be a terrific name for a pub, or victualler’s, or maybe a gentleman’s outfitters?

Tillage not Pillage T shirts at the ploughing

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I propose the notion that harrys strange use of grammaticism can best be explained by his phone learning to predict the strange websites that he visits

Anything to report in the Racism thread? Oh wait….

Moscow Paddy is seething at his pro-Russian buddies being exposed.

What’s this about?