Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Same as it ever was. Vast population fed into a meat grinder. Ordinary joe red is no different from any other punterā€¦as bright, expendable and precious as just any other brass cartridge

@Juhniallio are you still awake?

If only their own government gave a fuck about them

They couldnā€™t care less. Thereā€™s some strategic interest, their idea of principle, and a little popular support. But ultimately itā€™s another cynical political game

Itā€™s really peculiar how you moved from being the victim of one global conspiracy straight into being the victim of the next global conspiracy

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I wasnā€™t a victim of either. You wereā€¦voluntarily, willingly and defiantly

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Yep. Just got home from a lovely evening. Went to see a show with a bestie from college. Then went for a few pints after in briodys. Then sprinted like a motherfucker for the last bus. Just poured myself a whiskey. Its a fucking great night all told.


Check your texts.

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Just realised you caught me when i was vulnerableā€¦ like a predator

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At least Glenshane has been very clear, if the Russians ever invade Ireland heā€™ll be the first one out front bent over to welcome them.

Youā€™d just adopt the current ideologyā€¦as a substitute for having a personality etc


Paddy only reacts to the news. The militarisation of the EU has been growing for years now and itā€™s a worryā€¦but how dare any one raise the issue. Ireland needs more Clare Dalys. The people of Europe need more Clare Dalys.

the continent that has wiped out more civilizations than any other - arming themselves in a United front. The rest of the World must be absolutely shitting themselves

Iā€™m looking forward to the EU announcing mobilisation to respond to Russiaā€™s 300k new conscripts.

Fingers crossed it wonā€™t happen but it would be interesting to see them defending the use of nukes.

Russia has a right to defend its territory from attack mate.

The only possible justification for nukes is if everyone has them, no-one uses them and theyā€™re regarded as a deterrent. Figure that out and ask yourself if recent history chimes with that idea

in a few years time, that post will still be there, out of context, and in your attempts to make yourself look clever, saying something nobody on here has said to signal your virtue, youā€™ll look like the most pro Russian stooge here.

You fucking moron

Will anybody admit that they voted for either of these two gobshites?

The Eastern Seaboard has really let the nation down here