Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

They really do deserve their own thread.
That’s Daly on the extreme left with sunglasses.


Claire and Mick did great work highlighting state corruption while they were TDs. Their hatred of the US has unfortunately blinded them to the realities of what a cunt Putin is. A bit like Dev offering condolences to the German people after the death of Hitler. Enemy of my enemy etc. Misguided more than anything else.

They are a thundering fucking disgrace and shame you

Elon Musk

Evo Morales

Another “alternative voice” (very important to be PC when labelling these headbangers) for Chocolate Tom Brady to jizz over.

You’ve stopped tagging now…

But chocolate Tom hasn’t once advocated for the invasion or Putin. That’s something you and the sheep need to keep inventing on here.

Chocolate Tom just makes excuses for Putin’s genocide. He’s too gutless to actually say he supports Russia.

Well that’s the Pink Floyd reunion fucked

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Fintan O’Toole.

This fucking NazBol gom and his NazBol buddies like Wallace and Daly.

I wonder how press ganged sixteen year olds view war…

Here’s how Wagner are viewing it.

Ukraine knows what it’s fighting for. Its survival as a country and a people.

What is Russia fighting for?

For what, indeed.

I doubt ordinary soldiers see much point in any of it. This stupid notion that the situation boils down to freedom vs tyranny is nothing more than an insult. It’s vastly more complicated.

It isn’t in any way more complicated than Freedom v Tyranny, similar to how the western Allies fighting the Nazis was no more complicated than Freedom v Tyranny.

This is probably the most simple to understand conflict in history.


You had tyranny in Eastern Ukraine long before putin arrived, not to say this was the sole reason for the invasion . Read the OSCE reports for the months leading up to the war- thousands of ceasefire violations, hundreds of shells fired at Ukrainian civilians by Ukrainian government forces. It’s a sorry mess, and has been for years.
Maybe the OSCE are also putin apologists?

It’s funny how a film like all quiet on the western front is so popular with western audiences, yet people go along with the same simplistic propaganda today…albeit with Ukrainians and russians as the victims. It baffles me how lads like @Fagan_ODowd can deliberately stupify themselves.

You’re living in a fantasy world. You’re doing the equivalent of attempting to justify why the British Army should invade Carnsore Point or Cahersiveen.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Ukraine is a place where Russia has no legitimate business being in or interfering in. In the exact same way Nazi Germany had no legitimate business being in or interfering in Poland, or Czechosolvakia, or anywhere else.

The simplicity of what has happened is very hard to understand for the simple minded. Oh the irony of it all.

Three words are all that’s needed to understand the totality of this. Putin is Hitler.

You didn’t mention anything about the osce there, must have slipped your mind.

You’re a fucking oddball