Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

You’ll find all sorts on TFK.

They’re only asking questions.


The free thinkers man.

Sky News have the rally in Moscow on now, mate. Get the tissues and handcream out for yourself there.


Stop being such a fool. Yourself and @Piles_Hussain can fire all the insults you want, at the end of the day you just come across as ignorant and afraid. If I’m wrong about something maybe point out where and why.


This is as serious as I’m getting with you pal because I believe that your persona on here is edgelord-to-da-max.

We’ve had better on here long before you who didn’t need a war as an excuse.

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Afraid of leaving the simplistic childish groupthink conclusions that the only reason for a war is putin bad man, more guns needed and no to negotiations.
But your adept with your last analogy so i suppose you lads will cope. If you, fagan, sid etc had anything to offer, then some coherent response to any of my fairly obvious points would have been offered

Such an edgy free-thinking chap.

I’m all for negotiations as long as all Russian military and political personnel and machinery withdraws from the country and people they have invaded and wreaked destruction on.

What would be your starting point for negotiations? Are you happy for Russia to keep the land they have invaded, destroyed, raped and currently hold? Should they be held accountable for their actions?

Try not to whatabout NATO/USA/etc.

So you want negotiations after youve already achieved everything you need from negotiations. How utterly and bizarrely childish.
Go and read a book

Was World War II demanded by and created by the dastardly western military-industrial complex, mate?

A one word answer will suffice.

I remember asking one of the usual suspects about what negotiations or terms thereof might look like a few months ago in this or another thread and got some nebulous horseshit in reply but at least they made an effort.

You’ve avoided the question entirely making you the shitter edgelord.

Congratulations :+1:

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I didn’t mention anything about Marty Morrissey either.

Oh well. You have the manners to coherently reply to my earlier post without referencing whatever muck your parents tod you was acceptable. Then we’ll talk

Good lad :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So you want Russia to enter into negotiations from a stronger position than they were in pre invasion?

No. I want love and peace, but thats besides the point

Poo auld Glenshane is reeling from the fact that his beloved Russia is getting its arse kicked in the war.

Why would I engage with you for jaysus sake?


Cos he knows his cabbages when it comes to fermenting?

In fairness he doesn’t d all his own research