Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

In this instance you might learn something, and you wouldn’t be resigning yourself to foolishly shouting oddball whilst restricting yourself t9 the level of understanding enjoyed by the likes of piles, that gambler fella etc

That’s a right collection of self righteous cunts @glenshane has rabble rousing against him there.

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Strength in numbers i suppose.
Twenty years ago these fools would get their opinions from the sun newspaper, but at least they’d have been somewhat aware of their own shortcomings. Now they’re actually congratulating themselves for their obedient virtuous stupidity

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I love the way some lads just say “self righteous” and think it’s a devastating debating point.

Superb db8ing.

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Well obviously Seymour Hersh is a propagandist for Russia but that has been obvious for years.


Sure what would you expect- most Americans are crazy

Still no actual answer on what negotiations or the conditions for them to begin might look like after you were asked? Just insult upon insult.
Keep edging mate, I’m sure it’s a very fulfilling e-life you have here.
At least I hope so, for your sake.


A ceasefire, you dullard, obviously.
You’re busy huffing about no response while you’re only retort to whatever it was that offended you is a juvenilevenile joke about hand cream.
Grow up.

Have you more or fewer pints in you than I have?

So obvious it took you this long to come up with it?

Ah I shouldn’t post wheen I drink.

Nor should you.

Apologies. Where did the insults start btw? You hypocrite

I believe they started in Minsk or Tblisis or somewhere like that.

Thats cute.
When you’re not being coy would you take a few seconds and point out what you found “edgy” in what i said about ukraine …or even what you thought was an attempt at edginess on my part, or even what you thought was erroneous.
I’m genuinely interested in what level of dumbing down you lads are comfortable with

You’re coming across as too angry to be a top shelf edgelord. Ya gotta be cool, man.
You need to be cooler and less confrontational to be considered for the TFK HoF.
I’m rootin for ya, mind.

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Seriously. I’m genuinely interested in what yourself, @Fagan_ODowd etc found wrong or objectionable. Not one of you has said…just synchronised sub-mental remarks about oddballs and hand cream.
Don’t worry if you can’t think of anything- i have very low expectations of you.

I can’t go for that.
No can do, I’m afraid of negotiations you see.

So you just reacted? Fine- if you knew better you’d do better.

Sure, whatever keeps you going, buddy.
You have a good night now.