Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

This geebag is still tagging me. :man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5:

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Aw. Poor @Fagan_ODowd , so precious
Youre some bunch of ignorant cowards in fairness

Everything okay, chief?

Calling for a ceasefire and calling another poster a dullard in the one breath. Oh dear.

So you’ve no issue with expecting russia to leave Ukraine before entering negotiations, but you think a ceasefire is too much of a stretch.
This is fascinating stuff

Why would anyone have an issue with that? Can you explain what your issue with that is?

Ok. Its unrealistic and redundant. It’s actually hard to believe you’re being serious- i suppose it’s a bit like unionists, bruton etc demanding that the ira should have surrendered, been jailed and militarily defeated before talks about talks could take place.
If anyone had taken them seriously we’d still be mired in violence. Thankfully some had vision and courage

Ok. So you want talks to occur on Russia’s terms in that case. While it holds and consolidates the areas they have invaded? Why do you want that?

Neither party wants a ceasefire currently. What basis do you think exists for one?

Russia doesn’t want this ceasefire or negotiation you’re proposing either. Putin has said he won’t stop until all his objectives are complete. Can you explain why you think Russia is open to a ceasefire or negotiation despite all evidence to the contrary?

If a ceasefire were called tomorrow we know that Russia would only use that time to reorganise to rebuild to start its offensive again. Why would you want that? Why should Ukraine enter negotiations with a bad faith actor that will only serve to worsen it’s current position?

As to whether it’s unrealistic and or redundant, that’s debatable. It’s probably unlikely that Russia can be beaten back out of all of Ukraine this year, but it’s quite likely Ukraine will continue to win on the battlefield and drive them back a good bit further at minimum.

These are all genuine questions. You profess to know more about all of this than anyone else so I’d be genuinely interested in your responses.

That’s a stretch kid.

Ukraine will fight back effectively as long as USA & NATO fund the fight back

It really isn’t. The US, EU and Britain show no sign of selling Ukraine down the river, the support will continue. Ukraine has been winning the war and the weaponry arriving is only going to make them more effective. There’s no sign of Russia making any decent progress.

If Russia has the longevity they claim then it will all depend on who wins next US Presidential Election.

If the Republicans want out they’ll dispose of the funding & support.

NATO & the UK won’t be long backing down too if that happens you can be sure

That’s pretty much Russia’s only hope. They reckon they can suck up more pain until the west folds. They’ve been wrong at every turn since the start of this. The west has incrementally upped the support to Ukraine at every stage.

These aren’t even questions. They’re a serious of uninformed or disingenuous opinions and rehashed propaganda stated as fact, and then continually wrangled into whatever you decide to state i want. For what its worth months ago you claimed russia were two weeks away from defeat.

Russia and Ukraine have entered into negotiations twice already, even the Ukrainian media reported that the British and Americans scuppered these talks. Putin also requested for negotiations in the weeks preceding his invasion, he also signed the minsk accords… which incidentally, the then french and german leaders recently said the west had no intention of honouring. Deny that if you want, it’s a matter of public record. Another obscenity to go along with the wagner atrocities you condemn and the azov ones you haven’t the balls to acknowledge- no pun intended

What is genuinely disgusting about this affair is the likes of yourself, sid, tim etc blowing hard about Ukrainian patriotism. You expect sixteen year olds to be motivated to fight over a russian speaking and identifying region on the edge of a recently drawn border to which ukraine has already signed up to granting autonomy. And all the while you moan about the prospect of a united iteland, couldn’t give a fuck about what happens north of the border and squirm about a referendum…all of a sudden you’re nationalists, albeit Ukrainian ones. Very brave of you, incredible sacrifice etc

Maybe the soldiers will stop fighting for their mercenary political and oligarchial masters. It’s not as unlikely as people think- I imagine a student of history like yourself can think of examples, @Fagan_ODowd might even remember some of them.

What you really need is a realistic grasp of recent history, information from a variety of sources and a more honest approach…unlikely…


The good guys are mad for world war 3. If it were to happen then they wouldn’t be as noble.

Always been the same.

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Dumb slogans are great all the same. They totally insulate the sloganeer from having to use any brain cells.


Such as ‘Build back better’?

On top of making up things that happened in the world you’re now making up things that I’ve said.

he thought the war only started last year up until recently

Think he has featured before but UCC’s Prof Geoffrey Roberts who has been doing the rounds on RTE radio, Virgin, Al Jazeera, etc, praising Putin’s restraint and benevolence.

He had an absolutely bonkers article in the Irish times saying exactly that.