Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Geoffrey Roberts is, not to put too fine a point on it, a fucking idiot and a monumental cunt.

I doubt that he used the word benevolence, or suggested such. Can you offer an objective summary of what he did say?

Roberts in the Irish Times on January 25th, 2023:

“Putin’s restraint in the face of massive western military aid to Ukraine has been remarkable…”

Yet another oooooft.

Fair play to him not dropping a couple of nukes

Restraint is a funny word to use when talking about hundreds of thousands of casualties…you’d wonder how politicians, journalists, adults etc manage to talk about tactics, strategy and statistics without becoming emotional. Suppose for example someone wanted to contrast putins approach before and after the kerch bridge bombing- such a comparison might be of some value, but it might also be too controversial and offensive for some audiences

What does any of this mean? It is a word salad.

Putin is a blood thirsty dictator who has done a Hitler. It was obvious for years he was becoming such.

The west’s restraint in the face of that has been remarkable, and also sadly very misplaced.

Putin and the rest of his regime and ideology must be eliminated and Russia must be given the Nazi Germany 1945 treatment. There is no other alternative for the world. This is blindingly obvious.

There is no other alternative eh? Get back to me when they eventually settle it, it won’t be by any hitler 1945 delusion.
I’d say the mothers of seventeen year old being butchered on the front aren’t half as enthusiastic and hysterical as the boutique nationalists sitting in galway

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There is no other alternative. Same as there was no alternative to totally defeating the Nazis. You cannot toe the line to absolute evil, and the current Russian regime is unadulterated absolute evil.

Any other “alternative” to total defeat of Russia will only embolden Russian Nazism and make the problem worse.

Nobody sane is enthusiastic about war. Nobody sane believes anything other than that occasionally there is no alternative to fighting wars and winning them.

World War II was such a war, and so is this.

World War II was not started by the Allied side. The Allied side did everything it possibly could to avoid war, right up to foolhardy, deluded “deals” to try and pacify a regime which could not be pacified and which was absolutely evil.

And so it is again. Neither Ukraine nor the west did anything to start this war, they sought to do everything to avoid it, and like the Allied side before World War II, made the exact same mistakes in trying to pacify a regime which cannot be pacified and which is absolutely evil.

They engineered the overthrow of a fairly elected russian leaning president (who would probably have been voted out in the next election) and then replaced him with a candidate hand-picked by obama,nuland, mccain etc etc, a president who went on to ban the russian language, allow or support the massacre of ethnic russians and cancel russias 50 year lease on nuclear submarine ports. Plus installing or planning to install nuclear weapons on russias borders. Not to mention arming self declared committed nazis who carried out years of beheadings or crucifixions along with cluster bombing, executions, torture etc. Hard to see how anyone could say any of this wasn’t provocative

Both merkel and hollande said the west never intended to honour the minsk agreements…which were signed and accepted by russia, Ukraine and the west. Zelensky and most of Ukraine did want to implement them, but he didn’t have the support of the west or the authority over his military…he was laughed at by junior commanders, had his life openly threatened in his own parliament and had his offices occupied by actual nazis…you can watch all this on youtube.
I could go on but what’s the point

So you’re either lying through your teeth or you’re pig ignorant, I’m wasting my time regardless. You’ll either come up with more contrivances or broadcast more of your faux armchair patriotic outrage.


I think you’re genuinely a bit touched in the head.

I think you’re an infantile disingenuous imbecile. What of it?

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The Russian puppet slaughtered his own people, was impeached, and fucked off to Russia of his own volition.

The US or Europe didn’t impose anybody. There was an election to replace the murderer.

In the meantime, Putin invaded Crimea and Donbas and tried to invade much of the rest of Ukraine.

Your “massacres” are a fantasy. Russia sure loves its massacres, mind, and it loves sure loves oppressing anybody who doesn’t plead fealty to the Kremlin, like, say, Crimean Tatars.

Russia is a criminal Nazi entity.

Russia did what it did because the west went far too easy on them and failed to see the danger coming.

The west should line up every nuke it has and place it right on Russia’s border and point them right at Moscow. Right now. That it hasn’t done so is a foolhardy level of restraint in the face of a rogue state which is the shitty haemhorroid of humanity.


The exact same type of conspiracy shite you lot peddle about vaccines and such.

Just admit it, you hate the thought of Ukraine being a free country, which is bloody ironic for somebody from Derry.

Sorry buddy- the proof is there

Tom Clonan has badly blotted his copybook by putting his name to this. You’d have expected it from the rest of them.

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We reject those who are using this war to undermine Irish neutrality and move us towards NATO membership

NATO must be stuck

Fair play to that chris fitzpatrick chap whoever he may be.

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He’s hardly saying anything brave or controversial- just a rehash of the romantic, overly simplistic black vs white version thats dominated western media for the last year.