Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Eamonn knew.

This is a tricky one. You could go over and back on it, and I think we need to be very fair on it and not have a knee jerk reaction.

In the meantime, we should level the racecourse.

Every single fucking square inch of it.


And build loads of social houses and apartments on it

You think making people live in Naas will improve the country in any way?

Well if you put a load of Ukrainians on the race course it would at least make the next May 9th interesting

In a field miles outside Naas

Horsey set out, Ukrainians in

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Can they jump a fence?

Would you shoot them if they can’t?

No, just whip them.

Kildare is level as it is.

Tara Reade

Vindication for former poster @Dziekanowski.

My goodness, you can trace the lineage from Sidney Waddell to Sidney to Dziekanowski & onto Cheasty & you’ve been right about every single global political matter - Trump, Putin, kleptocrats, demagogues, Brexit, the far right, anti-trans hysteria, culture wars & the split season.

It drives your INTERNET nemeses absolutely demented but they don’t have the humility to acknowledge it.


Numerous smear campaigns and everything

Are you talking about @glenshane here and all the slurs and smears he had to deal with from people like you despite being proven utterly correct and right on Covid?

Ahem…i suppose the steele dossier and mueller reports were a downward blip on an otherwise upwards trajectory

I’m fairness to Sid he does his own research unlike gobshites who say “you’re wrong because … nothing”

Don’t discount intuition over biased and flawed research.

Reddit is a great resource.

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