Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Awful desperation from the lads who are citing “desperation”.

The run up to this was a litmus test of humanity.

The lads who are publicly shifting uncomfortably know they failed it utterly.

For shame.

Has that imbocile Brendan O Neill weighed in yet?

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Depends if Russia can find a way to pay him.

“There is no military solution to this crisis. The policy of flooding Ukraine with weapons will lead to a permanent condition of conflict,” the Wallace-Daly statement read. They stressed it was important to hear “voices for peace”.

Interesting to see it was the left leaning candidates…


“The United States and its allies are responsible for this crisis, not Putin and Russia,” Mearsheimer said in the video below.

The Wallace/Daly-Russia love in is bizarre are they actually getting paid or what the fuck is wrong with them

Enemy of my enemy principle at play with them.

I’m sure they paid for this trip themselves, ahem. They’re the political equivalent of self styled “independent” (fake) “journalists” Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley. Kev was a big fan of those latter two.

Elise Stefanik (Republican House Trumpbot)

Politically I wouldn’t have huge time for Joe Higgins but he is a decent skin.’

He sussed Claire Daly was a bad one


Anyone with a brain spotted what Daly and Wallace were

Michael Tracey and Aaron Mate are two of the scummiest pigs to ever lay fingers on a keyboard.

And they are not “left”. They are far right, they just don’t know it, just like John Pilger.

John duggan :smile: Ewan has a point here tbf

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@william is after Wallace! Go Braveheart!


John Duggan is a beloved pig of the horsey set

Is that like a sacred cow?

They shoot horses don’t they?

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Thats a clamping