Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Sure, we can’t even arm our own defence forces .

American YouTuber Tim Pool.

Wallace on February 16th:


You betcha. It was Hayes who arranged for Horgan, Daly and Wallace to travel to Syria in 2017. Hayes had been parroting or inventing macabre tales about the White Helmets on his website*/…, including allegations of “organ harvesting”. 2

His favourite tale related to the tragic al Rashideen bomb attack. He claimed that the WHs had abducted 54 children in the aftermath of that attack to harvest their organs. When Daly came back from Syria she put a private members motion before the Dáil.… 3

In it, she makes reference to Hayes’ story but is wise enough not give the full details…

This was how the system worked. People with connections to Putin’s inner circle invented or passed on disinformation and passed it on until it was eventually laundered in the Irish Parliament by useful idiots. 5

Another individual who joined Hayes on his 2017 trip was Niall Farrell of Galway Anti-War. The


obliged him by publishing his account of the trip - a pro-Assad account that quickly spread on Kremlin disinformation social media.… 6

There are many more connections to discuss but all in the fullness of time. /end

The Doxxer has a serious issue with anti-war left wing movements.

I suppose that happens when you turn into a Uncle Sam warmonger.

Matteo Salvini

Wow. This “Dr.” Declan Hayes fella really is something else. Wallace and Daly keep some very strange friends.

Here are some of the “books” “Dr.” Hayes has “written”.




Has Corbyn ever been challenged on this?

Hayes has links to George Galloway as well.

“Dr.” Declan Hayes is a very frequent contributor to the house publication of batshit far right students at Trinity College, called “The Burkean”. His latest article appears just yesterday.

The Burkean describes itself thus:

Any links to RT?

My stream hasn’t worked now in days. I’d love to hear what lies the Russian people are being fed

Did you pay the tv license?

My rouble reserves are now worthless

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I threw a couple of bitcoins into the back of the wifi modem. Job is oxo

The 1/100 shot comes in

Covid cretin James Melville

Tucky got it wrong on Putin and Ukraine but it wasn’t his fault - it was Biden and Harris all along
Word must have come from on high to the malignant cunt to start rowing back a little, but not too much

What a neat grift.

Be the wealthy sons of well connected political insiders. Spend a few years arsing around in your expensive New York apartment looking for a niche.

Then literally travel to Moscow to take the Kremlin shilling and build a Russian propaganda machine off the back of it.

Suddenly, in 2015 Max and his pet mustachio flipped sides. It just so happens that they became pro-Assad after attending a Moscow luxury Gala; the same event that got Jill Stein and Trump appointment Michael Flynn (who was paid $40,000 for attending) in hot water. They were new true-believers in the Assad regime, and enthusiastic apologists for the murderous actions they had previously railed against.

Was it a Russian buy-out that changed their views? That’s hard to say. Despite Grayzone’s constant evidence-free attacks on other journalists’ supposed connections to the pentagon and the NED (National Endowment of Democracy, which he claims is an instrument of “regime change”), the funding for Grayzone is completely opaque.

It is unclear how they fly a dozen employees around the world and still manage to rent expensive apartments in New York and Washington D.C.

But suddenly Max had a new girlfriend, Anya Parampil (who joined RT in 2014). He also had a new media sponsor and an “Anti-Imperial” axe to grind. Grayzone coverage immediately became pro-Assad. Parampil would soon be fired from RT and go to work full-time for their shadily financed project as they expanded markets and found new countries to exploit outside of the Middle East.

I’m sure it is completely coincidental that everything Grayzone has published since then has towed exactly with the official propaganda coming from the Kremlin, that he suddenly became obsessed with “Russia hysteria” and that his work is now amplified by RT.