Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

This is the Twitter page of a chap called Jason Michael McCann.

Supposedly a Scottish nationalist residing in Dublin.

Here’s how he describes himself.

Jason is now furious with his fellow Scottish nationalists because it seems none of them support Russia. Jason wonders how on earth, if they don’t support Putin’s Russia, they can call themselves anti-imperialists.

Jason is churning out long, boring, pro-Russia essays on a daily basis. Here’s his one from yesterday. He already has another one out today.

Could Jason be a recently suspended member of this forum, one wonders? Be some turn up if he was.

A lovely skewering of GЯeenwald.

John Mearsheimer again.

This is grimly hilarious. He’s like a recently suspended Putinbot here, digging in for his life when his whole worldview collapses around him in ruins.

My argument is that he’s not going to re-create the Soviet Union or try to build a greater Russia, that he’s not interested in conquering and integrating Ukraine into Russia. It’s very important to understand that we invented this story that Putin is highly aggressive and he’s principally responsible for this crisis in Ukraine. The argument that the foreign-policy establishment in the United States, and in the West more generally, has invented revolves around the claim that he is interested in creating a greater Russia or a reincarnation of the former Soviet Union. There are people who believe that when he is finished conquering Ukraine, he will turn to the Baltic states. He’s not going to turn to the Baltic states. First of all, the Baltic states are members of nato and—

Is that a good thing?


You’re saying that he’s not going to invade them in part because they’re part of nato , but they shouldn’t be part of nato .

Yes, but those are two very different issues. I’m not sure why you’re connecting them. Whether I think they should be part of nato is independent of whether they are part of nato . They are part of nato . They have an Article 5 guarantee—that’s all that matters. Furthermore, he’s never shown any evidence that he’s interested in conquering the Baltic states. Indeed, he’s never shown any evidence that he’s interested in conquering Ukraine.

Cosgrave, next

Thats bizarre. His graph goes from early 2021! Yes, paddy, the sudden upturn in people googling about russia in feb 22 was all because of a media ban… amadàn.


Boyd Barrett doing some yammering on RTE 1 now.
He count?

edit: yep, all NATO’s fault



You’d have to wonder who or how many Irish politicians have been given dirty Russian money ( donations ) in the past?

I doubt boyd barrett got paid anything. No need.

The absolute fucking state of Clare Daly on RTE Radio One This Week now.

She needs to fuck off out of Irish politics and politics anywhere else, and never come back.


Would you have been a fan of hers previously?

Years ago and based on bread and butter issues. The difference between somebody who believes in things and somebody who doesn’t is that a person who actually believes in things will call out people they previously supported if they go off reservation.

Daly is absolutely finished now because the majority of her support base simply will not tolerate this shite from her.

That interview was Streisand effect stuff. If you go digging a little bit there is stuff there about her and Wallace’s links to some incredibly dodgy people - in particular a guy called “Doctor” Declan Hayes, who is basically a neo-Nazi. Expect these links to be examined a lot more closely now.

She is finished, she’s finished like Gemma O’Doherty is finished.


Yeah I’m not criticising you for changing your view. She would have been well respected in ‘left’ circles even if she was hated by the average lad from the country. An uncle of mine was a big union head out in aer Lingus was a big fan and he didn’t have a good word to say about many. I suppose to be fair these people, Boyd Barrett, Paul Murphy etc are just sticking with their principal all along that whatever evils there are in the world the imperialist, capitalist west is as bad if not worse.

Mick Wallace retweeting Max Blumenthal.

Peter Schmeichel

Why believe the truth staring you on the face when you can gain more notoriety and make more money peddling batshit conspiracy theories.

Greenwald has never met a right wing conspiracy theory he didn’t buy into.

For anybody wanting a bedtime lullaby, it’s on now:


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Jacob Zuma

Johnny Arse.

He’s obviously worried the funding will be cut off.

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