Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

AFP headline writers. Clueless. Fucking clueless.

That is an utterly terrifying rendition of Blueberry hill

Baghdad Sean (Penn) was with Zalenski when the Russians invaded. He got to Poland a few days later

Wallace is some Cunt all the same

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That simple cunt. :man_facepalming:t2:

Michael Tracey is unable to write through anything other than the same Smirkish that a former Irish sportswriter writes through (not the one who went to prison, the alco who lives in Portugal).

Pilger thinks more supporters of the Russian Nazis are needed to troll discussion programmes with pro-Nazi propaganda.


There’s no suggestion of same. The claim simply says he got money off x who has ties to y.
The author just said he had no ties to y which wasn’t asserted . Never denied the money part

Ya fuckin love to see it


Ben Scallan of Gript

Jeffrey Sachs. Interviewed on RTE Radio News At One, he proceeded to blame Ukraine and the US for the war, not once mentioning Putin or Russia as being in any way to blame. Sachs was the guy who enforced capitalism red in tooth and claw in Russia in the early 1990s. Since then he has clearly had qualms of conscience about what he did and has gone cuckoo out the other side. That was Lord Haw Haw stuff.

Madison Cawthorn

Who would have guessed?

Ivor Cummins. Again, utterly predictable.

Billionaire founder of the right wing think tank the “Legatum Institute” and major GB News funder Christopher Chandler.

Serious insight into the goings-on with the Russian Embassy on Orwell Road. I wonder would it have ever seen print bar the current conflict.


@Tank was of the opinion the Russians hacked the HSE as a reprisal

It’s really bizarre how some people (usual suspects) need to be contrary about almost everything.
In reality there are no (to my knowledge) comparisons between the Covid restrictions/vaccines etc etc and the current situation in Ukraine but it’s the same people who were shouting loudest then are the apologists for Putin.
It’s mental really, these are the people who consider themselves critical thinkers, it must be that?? :man_shrugging:

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